No dressing in TX
Hello my fellow Georgians. I am transplanted all the way to the center of Texas currently to Ft. Hood.
This has been my first Thanksgiving that I have not made it back to Ga, even when we were stationed in Germany I made it home. (hubby was in Iraq so I went back home) Well let me tell ya'll it is just plain different here. Not only were most people wearing shorts and sandals but NO WHERE could I find dressing, only stuffing. I am a true southern girl through and through and other things I could look past but, not having my beloved dressing with giblet gravy was just awful. Well thank ya'll so much for letting me vent.
I will be home in 3 all is not lost Christmas will be saved!!
278/191/138(i hope)
P.S. wasn't the falcons awsome today!!

Well Ashe, I am a transplant to GA from Texas and I had cornbread dressing every Thanksgiving all my life in Texas, not sure just where you went looking?? In Texas we make it from scratch and it is served in every restuarant I have ever attended for a week or so before Thanksgiving until after Christmas. Try Piccadilly!! Now you might be a victim of misunderstanding cause some of us call our dressing stuffing since we stuff it into the inside of our turkeys but it is really dressing. You just got to have some dressing! Now sweet tea and grits I know you will have a problem finding there.
I must say I do like the fact that you have actual season here in GA, I do not miss the Texas weather at all and in the summer there is hardly any place hotter than Ft. Hood Texas!! I feel for you there! Ft Hood is not a very pretty pard of Texas, travel down to Austin and New Braunfels area and see some really pretty parts and go to Schlitterbaun!!
Good Luck.