Since I've been so crabby lately, I figured it was time for an attitude adjustment, and reflect on the things I am thankful for this year.
I am thankful healthy (albeit teenager-y) sons. God Blessed me mightily with these young men that keep me young and make me old all at the same time.
I am thankful for my dad's health, and my brother's family and my aunt & uncles (and my one little cousin..age 10!) That's all the extended family I have but they are all very special to me.
I am thankful for my love, Joe. How fortunate am I to have lucked into such a fine fella ONLINE??? Thank you Lord! To go along with that, I am thankful to know what it feels like to be loved by a wonderful man. I've been divorced for 14yrs and it was several yrs prior to that that I had a healthy relationship. There is no better feeling.
I am thankful for all my WONDERFUL OH Friends!! How different is my life than it was a mere 2 yrs ago, before I met all the gang here? I have so many new close friends and many acquaintances that will turn INTO close friends.
I am thankful that I have a job, and a home and transportation. It's not always easy to stay afloat, but I am not in a hotel, worrying about being kicked out, since my house flooded...or living under a bridge wondering where my next meal came from, and freezing for lack of warm clothing.
I am SO thankful to have my life back. Actually, it feels like I finally GOT a life...It had been SO many years since I felt healthy, and able to move about and enjoy life. This time last year, I had indeed lost some weight, but nothing compared to this year. And while I still struggle daily with my food intake, I STILL do not go on the depressing binges I was going on before this surgery. THANK YOU GOD for allowing me to live to see my boys grow up and experience the love and support I have received from all those I have met since this journey began.
Ok...enough blabbering.
(Oh yeah, I'm thankful to have a place to come and blabber! LOL!)
God Bless You ALL, and I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
First and foremost I'm thankful to God. Without Him I would have or be nothing. He has shown me that He has faith in me and I must continue everyday to show my faith in Him.
I'm thankful for my family who have been a rock through this very trying year. Their love and support have seen me through my share of happy and of sad times and for that I am eternally greatful.
I'm thankful for my extended family - those not blood related. My very dearest friends who know me to my soul and have been there through think and thin and sick and sin.
For the OH family...their love and support has provided me with vast knowledge and strength to help myself become a better person. Regardless if it's offering advice on personal problems or health related problems I know that I can find a shoulder to lean on here and I hope that everyone here knows I have two very strong shoulders for all of you to use when necessary.
For my health - as I continue daily to become the healthy vessel God intended for me to be. Everyday, every breath, everymoment is another reason to be thankful as none of them are promised.
I love you all. I hope you all have a very happy and safe Thanksgiving and a very happy holiday season!
Dee Dee

I'll be the mama! Love ya, Girlfriend. I've been off line since we are moving TODAY! Drew, two of his friends including pierced boy Richie, four strong movers, and my sweet hubby should be here any minute. I'm all alone waiting for the installation people, etc. I volunteered! LOL Living with my MIL begins today! Say a prayer!
I am thankful most of all for my three beautiful, healthy, happy children Whitney, Vanessa and Lukas,and for the privelege of being their mother.
I am thankful for my husband Sean, who always makes sure that our family is taken care of and provided for, and just happens to be my soul mate as well.
I am thankful for having my mother for 32 years of my life, and for all the things that she taught we while she was here, and all of the happy memeories she left with me.
I am thankful for the years I had with my step-father who stepped in when I was 13 and showed me what a real father is.
I am thankful for my in-laws who have welcomed me into their family and treated me as their very own daughter.
I am thankful for my brothers and sisters.
I am thankful for my friends, from the one's from the OH board to the one's I've had since 1st grade.
I am thankful for my health, for my surgery, and the way too many things to list that God has blessed me with.
I am Thankful for this surgery, which has changed my life and given me a second chance to be healthy and lead a normal life.
I am Thankful for my wonderful husband who came along 6 1/2 years ago and turned my life around and made it worth living again.
I am Thankful for my family who have always been there for me through all that life can throw at you.
I am Thankful for my friends who have been with me through good and bad.
I am Thankful for this board and all the wonderful people I have met here. It was this board that gave me the strength and courage to pursue this surgery.
I am Thankful for my 2 sweet and loving dog children, *****mind me that whatever is going wrong can be made better by a pat on the head.
I am Thankful to own my own home and to have a good job.
I am Thankful to be here to give thanks and to have a chance to be here for many more Thanksgivings!
Happy Thanksgiving to All!
Kelly S

I am Thankful for the good Lord bringing my husband back home safe and sound and I know he will do it again in 6 months.
I am thankful for my wonderful children that lite my life everyday.
I am thankful for my new grandbabies that when they smile, the whole room gets a little bit brighter.
I am thankful for my family being there for me.
I am thankful for my friend Brandy who has been my rock while my husband has been deployed. If it werent for her, I would of gone insane LONG TIME ago, lol.
I am thankful that the Lords will was done and I was able to have WLS.
I am thankful for the energy I have and having to go buy a new pair of jeans once a month!
I am thankful for having the OH board to guide me and letting me speak out.
There is alot more that I am thankful for, but will leave the rest for all of you!
Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving Day!
Kimberly B