11/10/05 ...

on 11/9/05 7:03 pm - Canton, GA
11/10/05 Thurs 05:27 Standing at the edge of the water Breeze blowing across my skin Moonlight ripples across the surface Wanting to reach back, to change the past Feeling the emotions of the wind Sensing the energy of the water Thinking thoughts, standing in the moment Not able to discern the horizon from the waters edge Thinking of this as a metaphor for my life Not making a distinction in my life Watching as one melts into the other Not guiding my path, taking the path of least resistance Funny thing, age As you lose youth, you gain age Something most want to stall Yet with this age, comes many changes From so many directions Most spend their time trying to live in the past Missing out what is happening in the now Losing more of the most precious give they have been given Time A bitter sweet pill, Time It stops for no one Always moving onward Never ceasing, always advancing, forward moving I try to meet this thing called time Only to watch it pass me by Medicgeek10
Becky F
on 11/10/05 8:18 am - Woodstock, GA
Love it!!! There are times when I ask the Lord to take me home and other times when I love every single minute. I guess that's called life or the water's edge. Your poem reminds me of "The Road Not Taken," by Robert Frost. Ever since I was young, I've tried to take the road less travelled. Dad always encouraged us to do this. Your relationship with your daughter and your poetry remind me of my wonderful father. He would spend much time listening to me trying to recite our favorite poems with "feeling." I would practice in front of the mirror preparing for Dad, my toughest and most loyal critic. Thanks for the poems and the memories. My heart will always belong to Daddy! Medicgeek, you rock!!! Becky
on 11/11/05 2:32 am - Canton, GA
Becky, thank you for your kind words, I am thankful that I could give you pause to reminise (sp) about the times you and your father shared... I hope you have a WONDERFUL weekend... Medicgeek10
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