My Baby turned 18... Warning, Mushy

on 11/8/05 5:29 pm - Canton, GA
My oldest is now an adult... I love that little girl so much, I can hardly believe how my life has past me by, because of the demons I have been chasing, running from and burying in the thing called Morbid Obesity. I am thankful for WLS and what it means for me. I pray I can right the wrongs I have caused. This is a hard time for me, and I know I must go through it, as did my parents and all parents do. Now, as with so many other moments in my life, when I feel this emotional pull within me... I write... I thank you all for enduring my words... and giving so freely of your support. I will paste below something I just finished writting while thinking of this evening past. we went out for her Birthday Dinner, and we made her "earn" her B-day gifts... we would ask her questions of things that have happened in her life, of course she was there, and they did happen, but most of these things... were more of a chance for us old folk (ie, Mom and Dad) to remanise (sp) about our life with this Wonderful spirit that Our Heavenly Father blessed us with, being her wards on this earth. She has taught us so much in her sweet life. I am PROUD to be her father. I Love Her more than I can put in to words.... Thank You MedicGeek10 11/09/05 Wed. 03:34am As the orange's mix with the blue's Watching the horizon melt into lavenders and pinks Seeing a song bird take flight The promise of a new day As if the darkness of old washed away The freshness of this day brings memories of long ago A time when youth's nativity spoke of untold freedom Only seeing the moment, expecting it to last an eternity As the years pass by, responsibility rears its ugly head Finding the words of the elders that seemed stifled and restrictive Have become wise beyond our days Seeing in the youth around us What our elders saw in us As the hands of the clock ever move forward And our babe's make us older each day Knowing the inevitable pain of separation to come Wanting to turn time back, to hold our little one again Seeing the beauty of life in their eyes The excitement of life yet lived Knowing we are only our fathers servants Graced with the short time to cherish these souls Guardian of this, the most precious of gifts Service as parents to our youth Love in our hearts Blessed to serve our children How the Love touches our hearts
Stephanie P.
on 11/8/05 7:33 pm - Chattanooga, TN
That is beautiful!!!! Thank you for sharing those wonderful words with us.
on 11/8/05 11:52 pm - Macon, GA
You truly have a gift Medicgeek, not a normal name but a gift I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your daughter's special day with us. She is blessed. What a fun idea for the giving of the gifts too, I've got that one stored in my memory for when my 5 year old daughter turns 18.... ummm, could ya send me a reminder in say, 13 years? Keep writing, what an awesome way to vent. And happy Birthday Medicgeek offspring God Bless, Barb
on 11/9/05 11:37 am - Canton, GA
Thank you Barb... I would love to send you a reminder.. but heck... I have trouble remember where I parked my car... when I go to "QT" also... thank You for your kind words as far as the name... well.. I use to be a paramedic... then I got so big I gave it up.. ( I was in denial about that) but I also have 3 kids.. and I was makin 8.99/hr working the streets... so I went into the IT field... making more than double the money... so that is how I came up with that name... Medicgeek10
on 11/11/05 4:38 am - Monroe, GA
Boy oh Boy can I relate. My oldest girl will be 18 in 8 months and i already ask myself were did the time go it was just yesterday that God blessed me by putting this angel in my arms :cry: When she turned 17 she had a wild streak an moved in with her dad and that was the hardest thing for me then she now has come back home and was gone 3 months an been back 2 months .ThANKS for sharing now i know i am not the only one dretting those x4 , Since I have 4 kids. Much Samantha
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