Happy Almost Anniversery To Me!

cathy M.
on 10/14/05 10:26 pm - hiram, GA
Well everyone, I am posting this one week early, because at this time next Saturday, I plan on being out somewhere with my kids and dear hubby! I sometimes can't believe that it's been three years! And yet at the same time, it feels longer. I am at the point now where I don't really remember the person in the photos, now this is something that I thought that I would never forget! The majority of people in my life that I interact with daily, have no idea of my history. Not sure why I haven't told anyone. Okay, so here's where I am....I weighed this morning at 134. Still have not had a tummy tuck yet(boy, do I need one) but dear hubby had to have some EXTENSIVE dental work in August, and there went that. Maybe next Fall? To this date, I have NOT gained any weight back. I of course flucuate 2-4 lbs depending on that time of the month. But since my surgery, NO WEIGHT GAIN! This of course is my main fear in life, as I still struggle daily with my eating. I've said it before and I'll say it again, some days I win and some days I lose. I can eat ALOT more now, than I could even a year ago. But it's funny because just when I get scared about my pouch stretching or my stoma stretching, I will eat something and then feel full after a couple of bites. I am going to see a Bariatric Doc soon, just for a check up...I am also getting my lab work this week. The only vitamins I take, and have EVER taken are the prescription Prenate prenatal vitamins ($ .87 a month with Ins) and 500 mg of B-12 Sublingual. I get anywhere from 30-60 oz of water a day, should be more, and I work on it daily. I drink coffee in the AM and have a Diet Coke once a day. At this point there is really nothing that I CAN'T eat, (kinda scary, huh) I still dump, because this is what happens! Protein is still my priority, but I do have a thing for Reduced Fat Wheat Thins. I don't drink Alcohol, it is just empty calories, which I don't need, and I really believe that this has been a help in my weight loss maintence. In the past 3 years, I have had a drink twice, the last time was at this past Christmas, just before a dinner with my Mother In law, Trust me, it was NEEDED! Recently I have been following someones journey, who is about 5 months ahead of me, she has regianed 12-16 lbs, and guess what? She started going out, to Clubs and drinking. Coincidence? Just last night, the kids and I were going through pics of us, now keep in mind that my boys don't remember me as I was, they used to ask if they saw a pic, who's that? Now they know, but last night for the first time, they both told me that I was really fat, Boy,that hurt, and kinda shocking that they were so blunt, but it was the truth. Finally for the really good stuff....My Marriage! Losing the weight has brought my hubby and I so much closer. We have always had a good marriage, and even at my heaviest (290) He would always tell me that I was beautiful, he Never said anything about my weight. Our intimate life, is truly unbelievable, you just feel things more, when there is less of you. And to know that he truly desires ME, and is proud of ME, MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE! I have gone from leaving my house only if I had to, too teaching at my Church, and volunteering at my sons school almost every day of the week. For those of you who have read my whole rant, thank you. Cathy
Cathy C.
on 10/15/05 4:31 pm - GA
Cathy, Being a person that is looking at everything on this website and buying every book imaginable on this subject, I love hearing from someone as far out with this surgery as you are. To have gone 3 years without gaining any weight back is fantastic! I just hope someday soon to have this surgery, as it is my only hope after 17 different diets that failed me. Oh, and Happy Anniversary! Cathy C.
cathy M.
on 10/16/05 12:09 am - hiram, GA
Cathy, Thanks...I do hope that you get your wish for surgery. I remember all too well, the feelings of utter hopelessnes, and desperation. I really didn't think that I could go on somedays. Having this surgery has been a total life changing expierence, and if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask! Cathy
cathy M.
on 10/16/05 12:14 am - hiram, GA
Sandra, Thank you so much...I hope that you are doing well. For the next several months you are going to go through such dramatic changes, it truly will be amazing, and at the same time overwhelming at times. Your physical changes will start to be dramatic, and everyone will notice, but yet inside you might still feel like the person you were before the surgery. Be prepared to go through alot of emotions, but pretty soon your feelings on the inside will match your outside. To have the support of the people here, that have been where you are, is priceless. I hope that you enjoy, and please share all your ups and even your downs! Cathy
on 10/16/05 1:29 am - Duluth, GA
Cathy, you are TRULY an inspiration to all of us!! I cherish the advice and information you provide, as you are probably the most "experienced wls-er" I know. Your words of encouragement are so appreciated and so important. I'm so proud for you! You look amazing, and I can only imagine you feel as amazing as you look, for isn't that what it is all about? Thank you so much for sharing - and I look forward to your FOURTH year Anniversary!! HUGS!! Tami
cathy M.
on 10/16/05 2:56 am - hiram, GA
Tami, Thank You! Wow, I really miss seeing everybody, I don't know when the next time I will be able to get to a get together, but I can't wait to see you! Look amazing? Well, the past two days have been really good. Some days I feel pretty big(crazy, I know) and others, I feel pretty damn good. I think that you look amazing! As for bieng anyone's inspiration, as long as it's known that I have my big ol' share of screw ups, that's okay with me! I guess that's what comes with expierence, cause I have had my share of oops! Funny, it seems that the further out you are, the more frequent they can become. Sometimes, how easily I forget that I am not like all of the other people that I am around, and before I know it, I have either eaten the wrong thing or way too much! By the way, I think that your "what have you eaten today" posts are great. We all need to hold ourselves accountable for what we put in our mouths, and I am going to try my hardest to reply each time I see it! Cathy
Becky F
on 10/16/05 4:36 am - Woodstock, GA
Hi, Dear Cathy, What a wonderful post!!! Congratulations on your three year anniverary. How awesome that you have retained your weight goal. Regaining is my biggest fear in this journey. You are an inspiration. I love your kind and humble spirit. You probably don't tell most folks about your surgery because weight is not the focus of your life anymore. I hope to be there one day. You ARE beautiful!!! Love, Becky
cathy M.
on 10/16/05 6:16 am - hiram, GA
Becky, You WILL be here some day, sooner than you think! I never thought about weight not being the focus of my life, I mean internally it is, but when I go about my day, it's just not an issue. Very interesting, I mean on the outside people problably think that I am "normal", but just someone who has flabby arms, thighs, and alot going on in the tummy! My friend Heather who is stick thin, keeps telling me about these specials at her Gym, she problably thinks I am just out of shape, oh, what little does she know! Well, I have two sick boys right now, they both have fevers,vomiting..Actually one just threw up again!!!It has taken 25 minutes to write this! I better get going......Send good healing thoughts, okay? Cathy
Pam P.
on 10/17/05 6:55 am - LaGrange, GA
Cathy for a pre-op nearing a surgery date I would like to thank you for your post. Im sure you remember just how important REAL information is at this time and its simply priceless. You inspire me.....Im so proud that God has blessed you with this new life....and I simply cant wait to be able to write the same! Please keep us all posted...you know we are (well I am) like a sponge that just takes all this in. I thank you for your post and may I suggest that you become an angel to someone...you seem to have such a great heart! I pray to be half as successful with this as you have been and I know with Gods guidance that is exactly what I will be! Take Care and may God continue to bless your family and marriage!
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