Still Doing Good! Minus the Tube!
Morning (almost afternoon),
I'm doing a lot better. Had my post op appt. on the 4th and YEAH! the tube and all the stitches came out! I've only lost about 22 pounds but hey, weight wasn't my main reason for having this done, health was. Although loosing isn't a bad thing either. Thank goodness all the failed crap is gone and I should be able to get back down to my original post op/pre revision weight (I was 117 at one point back in '96). I tried on a pair of my jeans and a blouse and all ready they are too big. I had take to basically wearing sweats and T's since I got sick and now they are falling off me, hehehe. But having the cut so long and tender, as well as where the colostomy tube was I am still pretty much wearing nighties around until my belly gets less sensitive. The waist bands just cut in too much yet. I think my goal is to get back down to the 117 I was after my VBG. I asked the doc that took the staples and tube out if this was a R Ny and she said no, that it is comparable to it but a totally different procedure.
I'm doing real well with getting back into grazing during the day. Five to six times a day, 3 tablespoon meals. I have become a little lactose intolerant (weird since dairy is what kept me alive waiting for the surgery) so I am real gun shy about drinking milk. I can handle 1% fat cottage cheese and yogurt but milk sends me into the bathroom. I'm a little scared about the bulimic mentality setting back in but we are going to see our PCP next week so I can talk to him about it.
Monday I began eating extremely fine ground meat but only did on Monday and Tuesday. Meat just isn't real appealing for some reason. I am getting most of my taste and smell back. Actually even drank a half of a cup of coffee Wednesday, LOL. Hubby has took me over to the store a couple times to do some walking but for some reason the days I am real gassy that evening. It's hopefully going to be nice this weekend so we have made plans to run over to a park near by (actually about a stone throw from Sandra and Boyce's) so I can get in some more walking.
I'm gonna head off for a little nap. I'll post more later.
Huggs -- Lisa