Eating Salads and Fresh cooked veggies

Judy E.
on 10/13/05 3:07 am - Stockbridge, GA
I posted this on the Aug forum but would like to know what you veterans can tell me about this also. When I went for my one month post op visit Dr. Fields (not my surgeon but a staff Dr.) told me I had to wait 6 mos before eating salad. Now, she was rather out of sorts that day (they even forgot to weigh me and she did not notice and I said nothing because I did not know what they do at the 1 month post op visit). She seemed really tired and her wig was on all crooked and she looked as though she had had a rough morning so I am not so sure I can take to heart all she told me. This is the day she told me I could not use my bowflex until I was 3 mos post op and that seems extreme! When can we eat salads and fresh cooked veggies. Can we ever have brocoli and cabbage (I read in our literature that we should not eat these since they cause gas and the gas would stretch the stomach.). I would really like a salad. I think we should not eat stringy veggies like celery (that makes sense) but should'nt our system be able to digest lettuce? Judye
on 10/13/05 5:23 am - Duluth, GA
You can digest lettuce, but it's a lot of bulk without much nutrition. Also, my nutritionist told me to wait several months because salad could cause a bowel obstruction. That was enough for me!! I don't eat salad very often even now, but do some. As to cooked veggies, it depends on your surgeon's protocol. I ate baked & mashed potatoes during the "soft/pureed" foods stage. After that, pretty much any cooked veggie should be okay. I have eaten broccoli & cabbage without problems - cooked now raw. Since you are still able to eat so little, think of it as getting "more bang for your buck" by eating things other than salad right now. Hang in there!! You'll be able to eat them eventually. Ann in Duluth
Judy E.
on 10/13/05 5:27 am - Stockbridge, GA
If I have learned one thing throughout this whole experience it is that I am just not a patient person!!! Thanks, I think I will be happy just getting to eat broccoli!! I am gonna have some broccoli tonight! je
on 10/13/05 5:30 am - SMYRNA, GA
Judye: I had my surgery on March 7, 2005 and I believe I ate my first salad at about 2 1/2 months. I have to say I have not had any problem with any of the food that I was able to eat before my surgery. I still eat the same food but naturally different quanities. I have had steamed cabbage several times especially when I eat oriental. No problem what so ever and I hope it remains the same. Good luck and chew slowly and not big bites. Good luck in your journey Mary
on 10/13/05 5:51 am - Jacksonville, FL
Judye, I can eat lettuce however my max has been 4 days it comes back up!!!! Gross I know. IT tastes great. I love the crispness and the taste. It doesn't cause heartburn etc... I ate and ate it. My Dr said that 1/2 of his patience have issues with it to watch how I react. Well I have been out a year, we were at Longhorn Steakhouse and I wanted a salad. I ate half of it loving every minute. Felt fine. On Thursday I felt sick to my stomach (it was in the morning) I hadn't eaten and thought that was strange. I got in the shower and the pain and cramping hit. Needless to say it came up. YUCK!!!!! So my eating salad days are over. I miss it to. I am just thankful that it did come up and not cause a strickson (sp?) Vegetables: Cabbage and Broccoli do not go down. No matter how they are fixed. Loved them and still try them probably once a week. See I never learn!!!! Carrots, squash, zucchini, green beans, those go down ok. Add to the not list is peas the shells of english peas awful, asparagas, brussel sprouts, corn. Can eat them but in about 15-20 minutes they are coming up!!! Good luck. All of our bodies are different and accept things at different times. Like right now I can't eat pasta, however when I was 6 months out I lived off of Mac and Cheese. Now I can't do potatos either. But I eat my weight in Rice. Just crazy things. Lynn
Becky F
on 10/13/05 7:04 am - Woodstock, GA
Hi, Judye, I don't know about the other fresh vegetables, but salad did make me dump for the first six months. It's a trial and error kind of thing. My pouch didn't like the texture. (Think of the drain of your sink when lettuce gets stuck.) I still tried every once and a while, but did live to regret it. If you are going to try, be sure you don't have big plans! I eat lettuce all of the time now with no problems. Hugs, Becky
Kelle W
on 10/13/05 8:27 am - Atlanta, GA
I have discovered (through trial and error) that I can eat romaine lettuce fine, but not iceberg. I eat salads very often, with chicken, cheese, all kinds of protein with it. I also eat raw and cooked veggies. Have no problem with them at all. But remember, every person is different! Don't try it while you're out the first time Kelle
on 10/14/05 2:34 am - suwanee, GA
Hey Judy! Per my Dr.'s instructions we are not to eat uncooked/raw , leafy veggies up to 6 mo after surgery, but it's ok to eat sot cooked veggies.... like zuccini, summer squash, eggplants, calliflower, tomatoes (skinless), green beans, mushrooms etc. I've tried them all, and had no problems with any of them. I prepare.... sort vegetable medley of all sorts (baked/broiled/steamed/ sauteed), and seson them with S/P, garlic, olive or Sunflower oil, and lemon juice...And I LOVE it.... Best of luck trying it all, and then some more maybe.., Rita.
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