Pulmonary Function Test
Has anyone had to have this test done? well it is a requirement from my insurance company. My PCP sent me to see this pulmonologist, the guy was so rude, he really hurt my feelings about my weight. he started talking about me being "fat" so when he was asking questions about whether i exercised and on a diet i just said no about everything. well he put this in his dictation and now i have a problem because now everything my PCP and i have being working on these last 3 months (diet history) is contradicting everything he wrote. i refuse to submit this info to the insurance company. all i was supposed to see him for is to have a Pulmonary Function Test done, he said that i didn't need it. That my asthma was stable with the medication given by my PCP. This is the only info needed before submitting to the insurance company!!! I don't know what to do now. Can my PCP send me to the hospital to have this done? I called him this morning and as usual they said he was seeing patients and will return my call later today!!
Can you get a referral to another Pulmonologist? I know Riverdale is far from Columbus, Ga but I saw Dr. Restogi and he was great and very kind. He is in the area of Southern Regional Hospital.
He ran several test on me but I think the pulmonary function test was the breathing test, part of the time you are in a glass door chamber and you breath into a machine etc. Was no big deal at all.
He also did the blood gas test and ordered an echocardiogram (even though I had already had a stress test with contract and pics etc.).
All was fine.
I did notice almost all of his staff are pretty overweight.
Hey there I am in columbus too and using dr. D. I appealed my surgery and won the appeal but only have until the 31 of oct to get it done or they won't pay. I have been rescheduled 4 times by dr. D for surgery and am now scheduled for Oct 25. My question is who is your pulmonary doc here is columbus, my pcp sent me to one who is also a jerk and giving me a really hard time about all of this. I may not get surgery before the date because of him. I should have just paid out of pocket even though I can't afford it and I would be done by now. Feel free to email me at ([email protected]) and we can talk more about it.