Newspaper article
Hi, All,
Well, I had my 15 minutes of fame today (10-11). The article about bariatric surgery was in the Marietta Daily Journal. I was overall pleased because the article was very positive. Dr. Smith at Wellstar was interviewed, but my story was the one they told! (I had the Mini Gastric Bypass in North Carolina.) My only complaint was that they got my weight wrong saying I had lost 184 pounds with a starting weight of 400. It was actually 378 the day of surgery after a high of 392 a few months before. I don't want folks to think I weigh 216 when I actually weigh 194! You all know how it is---I want credit for every pound gone!
If anyone would like to see the article, you can go to My picture is in the top left corner of the front page. Click on NEWS then LIFESTYLES. I know it's hard to read, but the pictures are pretty clear. I'll let you all know what kinds of reactions I get. A lot of people who haven't seen me lately are going to be surprised!