question about skin breaking out
I am 3 months post op and have developed break outs on my arms and legs. At times this is itchy, but mostly just uncomfortable and unsightly. I have been to the dermatologist three times and still have had little relief. There has been some mild improvements. Someone mentioned to me that when a person loses a great deal of weight the body sheds impurities in this way through our pores in our skin!? Has anyone else experienced skin problems after WLS? I praise the Lord for the over 60 pounds that I have lost, but my skin problem is making me miserable. Thanks in advance for your input. I am at a loss of what to do. I am now trying to get some sunlight on my skin and have begun to see a little improvement. Sincerely, LMW
I had the same problem early out... just a fine rash all over my arms and shoulders... not always really itchy, but I would scratch them unmercifully, and the have little scabs all over me. What I did, is not really scientific or even conventional per se... when I was growing up, we always used an antiseptic called Dr. Tichenors. Used to, we could only get it in Louisiana. But now days you can get it at Walmart in the mouthwash section. It is good for a whole of things, but I would saturate a cotton ball with it, and smear it all over my rash. Not only does it smell yummy, but it numbs the area, soothes the itching, and was able to heal up. Once it did heal, I scrubbed real good with an antibacterial soap every day. Eventually the rash went away, and now I don't have to worry about it anymore. I suspect yours will too...