Kelly S and her hospital stays

Stephanie P.
on 9/11/05 11:56 am - Chattanooga, TN
Hi, Henrik...thank you for the post. Please tell Kelly that Derrick and I are definitely thinking about her...and you. Let us know if you need anything.
Kelly S in GA
on 9/11/05 7:40 pm - Smyrna, GA
Henrik here again. I took our laptop to Kelly yesterday and read your replies to her and it greatly cheered her up. Thank you so much guys. On a sidenote, she had several significant steps forward and is doing a lot better in the last 24 hours. So my hopes aare that she can get home soon, offcourse we wont pu**** but still.... Again, thank you all so much for being such great support. Hopefully Kelly will write the next update herself!
on 9/11/05 10:59 pm - SMYRNA, GA
Hello Hendrik: Kelly has been on my mind all weekend and I wanted to get on board to check it out but did not have a chance until this morning. I am glad that she is doing much better and I thought since I heard she has not been feeling good that she might be pregnant. Anyway for the good news, I am glad she is getting better and will be out soon. Give her my regards and have her call me if she needs anything since we are neighbors. Thanks Mary
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