I have lost...

on 8/27/05 10:22 am - Savannah, GA
During the week.. before 9:30 ... and after 6 .... I emailed ya.. Ill give you my work cell- Its just so hit and miss with me..some days I am twidling my thumbs.. then somedays I am so busy I dont have time to blink..
Georgia Girl
on 8/27/05 2:49 pm
Hey Chick-a-dee, Got everything but the work cell phone. I will chase you down sometime, I suppose Crece
Stephanie P.
on 8/25/05 10:07 pm - Chattanooga, TN
Hi, Michelle...I'm so glad you are doing well! I have been thinking about you. Are you doing pureed meats or just chewing really well? I don't think I can stand pureed meat. Derrick just chewed really well, and he did fine. I'm hoping for the same thing. Good to hear from you.
on 8/26/05 11:06 am - Savannah, GA
Its so strange Stephanie how our plans vary so much....... I just chew..and I chew well- but I wouldnt call it over kill ya know? ....They had me on real food at day 3... fish and carrots at the hospital...and nasty other foods they....well...called foood! I didnt pureee at all and the only time I had a problem was with a bite of really dry chicken ( that didnt feel good ) ..... I have been eating everything, without any problems what so ever!!! Tonight I made noodle-less speghetti, and added a couple of tablespoons of ricocatto cheese....and waaa laaaaa LASGNA! Good to hear from you to!!!!
Stephanie P.
on 8/27/05 1:50 am - Chattanooga, TN
That lasagna sounds good. I think I'm getting my appetite back...I actually had a dream about food last night. I'm going to try some mashed potatoes today then ease into other things. I'm just ready to eat something. I'm so glad you are doing well. If the pressure would go away and my bellybutton would stop leaking, I would feel 100%. I'm getting there, though.
on 8/27/05 10:20 am - Savannah, GA
It is yummy! I would love some mash potatoes!! My doctor will NOT let me have those... boy. ... I could dive right into those! WHy does the belly button leak? Everyday is getting a little better for me.. at least I didnt fall asleep on my clients today.. I just yawned a lot... .......... When did you call me Melissa? I musta missed that!
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