Pics-THANKS & Need help please!
Hi ALL!!
First off, THANKS to Carol & Shree for doing such a GREAT job putting together our dinner last night. It was WONDERFUL!! We had a great time!
THANKS for such a great birthday surprise!! I was SOO NOT expecting that, and I appreciate my Braves cake!! (Thanks so much Dee Dee!)
With that said...Happy Birthday ALSO to Tonya L. and Carol Godfrey! Carol's bd is the day after mine (8-19) and Tonya's is 8-25! Happy Birthday to both of you wonderful people!!
Help!! I met so MANY wonderful new people last night, and I have the memory of a gnat...and I JUST CANNOT REMEMBER all the names. PLEASE forgive me!! is the link to the will see there is NO NAME next to some pictures and partial labels on others. Any that you can help me with, I would appreciate it soooo much, and I will go and update the pictures.
Enjoy the pics, and please forgive if your name is one I didn't keep up with. It's NOT personal, it's just a lack of memory cells!!
Take care...
Thanks so much for taking the pictures Saturday night. It was such a treat to see them on today. Maybe I can learn the names of more folks!
Also, it tickled me that you remembered my sister's and my names. I hope to attend many more get-togethers. Everyone is so warm and friendly, and I am glad I became a part of this group!
PS- I tried to find the birthday spot to list mine but couldn't. Mine is Aug. 20, so Happy Birthday to Me!!