1 week post-op... got a question
I ate refried beans yesterday with cheese & they were fine, today at lunch I had the same thing & after a few bites, OMG my stomach started cramping from the front(low in the front) to my back around my kidneys.
It of course scared me to death. I had to lay down for a little while then went away. But out of all my pain it has been my back. Lower back. Can you have gas in your back??? I haven't really had any gas pains but this could be the start. Any info. would help. Hope everyone has a good night.
Tammy Gunter
That makes me feel better, thank you both for the response. Another thing I think it could be with the stomach cramping is I haven't had a monthly period in 7 or 8 months now & this morning I saw a little pinkish on my paper. I hope I do soon, I know that would make me feel better.
Thanks again.
Tammy Gunter
I can eat something for dinner, save the left over and then try it again for lunch and the dreaded pouch rejects it. From many discussions it seems it happens to a lot of us. So one more reason not to do left overs. Hang in there. I am 9 months out. I still have gas and will probably always have it, it just gets easier to handle over time.