Pre-op nerves???
Hi Cindy
I had my surgery on need to be nervous about pre-op, that's a breeze!!! All they do is take some blood and some more blood and ask you questions and monitor your heart rate and take x-rays of your's TOTALLY nothing to be nervous about. Your surgery date however, I can understand you being nervous, but really, even with that, you're just laying there, you're surgeon is doing all the work. If you have faith in your surgeon, and that you've made the right decision for yourself, then you have NOTHING to worry about.
My Very Best Wishes to you....You'll do just fine.
Hey Cindy,
Can't help you with any tips hun... I'm looking for some. I am waiting on a surgery date (should get tomorrow). Cool thing is, we have the same surgeon and could possibly go in around the same time.
When did you get your date? How long did it take from the time you were approved until you got your date?
Sure like Dr. C's track record. There are other surgeons in network for me but I will pay extra for the extra experience. lol
Hi Cindy,
Oh boy! I know just how you feel! I was going crazy from all the emotions just before my own surgery! The best thing I can tell you is to busy yourself getting your bag packed with everything you think you will need..but try not to take too much along that you probably WON'T need.
These are things I took with me to the hospital:
Long handled brush or sponge (for hygiene purposes)
Comfortable slippers
Two pillows (hospital ones are usually not comfortable)
Comfortable clothes to wear home (elastic waist pants or dress)
Toothbrush, toothpaste (hospital usually supplies these, but you may have favorites)
Timer (wind up that I could sip my liquids, set the time, and wait the required 10 to 15 minutes before another sip)
Bath soap (in plastic container)
Taking a robe along would be good, but there usually is a problem with getting it on over the IV you will have in your arm.
If you haven't already stocked up on the foods or liquids you will need when coming home, this is something else that you could do in preparation. Other than that, just keep your faith in God that all will go well with you. I know you will come through it just fine!
Please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers as your day approaches.
God bless you!

I know just how you are feeling, my surgery is the same day as yours! I am going for my pre-op on 02/14 at Emory. I have been through a range of emotions during the process also. But look around you, there are LOTS of people on this board who have successfully had this surgery. Focus on the positive and what a difference in your life this surgery can make.
Several years ago I had to have a foot surgery and I was nervous about having the anesthesia. So on the day of surgery, I wrote down all of my fears on a piece of paper and tied it to a helium balloon and released it outside the hospital. It helped me to let go of these thoughts.
I think for this surgery I will just write down my fears on paper and then throw it away.
Also, I plan to stay busy, busy, busy until the day of surgery. I am working right up until the day before, I will do some housework and school work and shopping to keep myself occupied.
We should stay in touch since we will have the same anniversary date!
Best of luck to you!
Kelly S

Hi, Cindy!!! Hugs to you!!!! I didn't do soooo well with the pre-op nerves. Surround yourself with loving people, eat at least one favorite meal before Monday, watch funny tv or movies, and...1#...keep your mind stayed on Him, Musician Lady I did most of the above but have to admit to eating SEVERAL favorite last meals!