Hi Talithia,
I wish I could help you there. Mine was done by psychologist that the surgeron referred me to, here in town. I am not sure where Lithonia is, or what area you are in, but you may have to end up just going to the Yello Pages and looking up psychologists in your area and calling around, asking which one of them accepts your insurance.
I'm so sorry I could not give you further information, but I wish you the best of luck on your journey...sounds like you are getting everything in order, and that it won't be long, now!
God bless you!
Thanks, Pat. Lithonia is located on the east side of Decatur near Stone Mountain to the north and Rockdale County to the east of us... going toward Conyers. Anyway, I wanted to use one of the psychologist referred by my surgeon's office but he wasn't on my insurance and if I used him, I would have to pay out of network fees including deductible. You may be right though about going through the yellow pages. Wish me luck! I am so anxious to get to the losing side.
Hi Talithia!
I don't know of any in your area-but I'm going thru a situation with my phych--so wanted to let you know I understand. I had to cancel my psych appt this past Tues because I had to have another medical test done. I called him back today to reschedule-and he's now booked until the week of the 14th. We're playing phone tag and I'm fearful it'll be the end of Feb. before I see him at the rate I'm going. THEN, it takes another whole week for him to prepare the report--if you pay him to 'expedite' it. (otherwise TWO weeks to prepare it.)
I'm right there with you--this is the last part before I can submit to ins---and I'm READY to get it done! (Git 'er done!)
I hope you can find someone to accept your ins. AND get you in quickly!!!!