Legislative Info and Contacts
Most of you have probably heard about the legislation that was introduced in Georgia regarding coverage of bariatric surgery. It is called HB43. You can go to www.legis.state.ga.us to get all of the info and lookup the contact information for your representatives. Also, consider writing to all of the members of the Insurance Committee and Health and Human Services Committee. Tell them how much WLS has changed your life. Were you previously disabled and now are gainfully employed? No longer on numerous medications? Able to care for children and/or elderly family member? They need to know the practical and emotional benefits that you have experienced.
For those of you who are pre-op, a passioned plea to treat your illness as equally as any other illness would be appropriate.
Let's be a united voice for each other!
The bill is just introduced and going to committee. I believe it is going to the Insurance Committee and the Health and Human Services Committee. If you go to the website, I believe there is a link where you can lookup your local representatives by typing in your address. Also, there is a way to look up committee members and their contact info is linked to their names on the site.