8 months-down 233lbs!
You are truly an inspiration! Thanks for sharing yourself with us. It is people like you on this board that keeps me motivated to have the surgery. When I get scared or have second thoughts, I come here. I read profiles and I look at before and after pictures. I read about how peoples lives have improved 1000% and I know it is worth it!!!
Thanks for all your terrific posts!
Kelly S

Amy!! What'ta thrill! What'ta gal! What'ta LOSS, gurlfriend!! That's incredible. YOU'RE incredible. I'm soooo completely thrilled for you.You look mahhh-va-lous! ;) Good luck with Kenneth's paperwork!...Before you know it, we'll be referring to you guys as Ken and Barbie!
On a more serious note, I'm still procrastinating about the water. I wish I lived closer to some of your folks so I could splash around with a bunch of ya! I guess if we all showed up at the same pool, we might splash all the water out though??? Haha! but not for long! ;) I am walking as of Jan 3 though. Up to 1 and 1/4 miles a day. Started out at a mile, so I'm at least working at it.