Question about normalcy...HELP!!!
The Friday after my surgery I had a really bad attack of the boyfriend was having a bologna and cheese sandwich (one that I don't eat anyway) and I started crying because I wanted one too! Rick was good enough to feed it to the dogs and comfort me, but I am wondering if this is normal...IS IT?
Yes, it's normal!! A lot of people have problems with depression right after surgery, at least for awhile. Since I was already on antidepressants, I didn't run into that as much. Anyway, it's got something to do with the hormones being released, etc. If it gets really bad, talk to your doctor. Otherwise, try to hang in there - it does go away.
Good luck to ya!!
Ann in Duluth
Absolutely!!! For the first few weeks, I would read those posts about "no regrets," and think these people were completely delusional. On the way to the hospital, my hubby and son bought sausage and biscuits. Well, I started crying, a small war commensed, and the food was thrown out the window. Boy, we were all feeling major regrets BEFORE the surgery ever happened. Now, seven months later, I can honestly say that we are happy. Their foods do not bother me at all anymore. It was really tough for me in the beginning. Hang in there, it WILL get better. I promise!!!
What a sweet boyfriend you have!!!!
Boy is it ever normal...and if it ain't then me and you are abnormal together!LOL
Three days after surgery I had a melt down. I just all of a sudden for no apparent reason just started boo-hooing. I called my g-friend, Phyllis, who's had the surgery so I knew she'd understand. I called her just rambled and cried. She gave me her, "Buck up little camper" speech and all was well again.
It's gonna happen for various reason but just remember that it shall pass. Once the weight falls off and your body adjusts you'll be feeling on top of the world!
PS- If you ever need to talk...I'm just an e-mail away!