Had first appt on the 17th
Hey guys, I had my first appt on the 17th with Dr Hart and loved him. Got to meet Michelle and she was wonderful as was her husband. I look forward to going through this journey with them. I have all my pretesting scheduled next week and dietary consult as well. Still trying to get my psych eval scheduled but somehow keep playing phone tag with the drs...lol. Will keep you posted.
Hey D'Lynn! We enjoyed meeting you so much! I can't wait for all this testing to be done--how about you? I have everything on Mon/Tues of next week--and I dread it. I managed to get my psych eval scheduled...but you won't believe what I said to the man. (I'll write about it tomorrow--It's 4am and I need to head back to bed!) ha!
We're on our way!!!! I'm so excited-and it's all the better now that I have a friend that's going thru it, too!!
Wouldn't it be funny if we both ended up with surger on the same day???? Our hubbies could hang out in the waiting room together. Paul's a pro at driving in Atl---so he could help your hubby!