Gainesville Seminar Saturday
Go to the obesity solutions web site for info. Let me know if you are coming and we will figure out somewhere to have lunch
It is at the Gainesville Civic Center
Saturday, January 22, 2005
Time: Reg 9:30
Location: Gainesville Civic Center Ballroom
Details: BARBARA THOMPSON IS COMING! Author (Weight Loss Surgery: Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You), speaker, and weight loss surgery expert Barbara Thompson will join us for an entertaining, "no holds barred" presentation on weight loss surgery from 10 a.m. to noon. If you've ever considered bringing a friend or loved one to an ObesitySolutions meeting, this is the one! You won't want to miss this special event, which is free and open to the public. Seating is limited. Contact Amy Neece at [email protected] to reserve your spot.
Map Info: Gainesville Civic Center