Help I have a Cold
Hello every one as a lotof you know i have been going through a lot with loosing my job then the same week my Dr said i will need 2500.00 copay before I can have surgery. Well I went for my pre-op on 1-10-05 an they took half payment and put me on payment plan for the rest so things look good so far i am still set for surgery on 1-17-05 at 10am at Northside Hosipital in Atlanta But now i have a cold my little man gave it to me does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of it by sunday because i wont be able to have surgery Monday if I am still sick please help. Its mostly a head cold with runny nose and congestion all ideas are welcome thank you
Hi Pareshia - I'm so glad you get to go forward with the surgery! I too developed a bit of a cold (more cough than cold) a few weeks ago, which is still hanging on, and I have surgery later this month as well. I suggest getting LOTS of fluids, and taking Mucinex (over the counter expectorant), which will help clear out the gunk in your sinuses. You might also use an humidifier in your room at night, so any decongestant you take at night doesn't dry you out so much you end up with a sore throat as well. Coldeze works really well for lots of people too. Good luck!
Pareshia, don't forget that "Jewish Penicillin" AKA Chicken Soup! Chicken broth will be good for you, too, if you can handle it. I would drink both daily as long as you are allowed before your surgery.
From what I have learned, cooked chicken has natural healnig qualities, and the liquid helps to flush your system. So, when you hear people joke about eating chicken soup for ailments...they aren't kidding!
In fact, try to drink as much liquid as you can between now and Monday, especially juice with vitamin C.
I will be praying for you that things don't get delayed.
God bless you!
Hey, dont feel too bad, Im suppose to be having surgery on Friday, and well my nose is all stopped up and my throat is sore. I called and asked if I could take something for it and they told me I could for today but not tomorrow since I have to take some meds they gave me. SO Im really hoping a good nites rest will help me.. Jen
Hey, dont feel too bad, Im suppose to be having surgery on Friday, and well my nose is all stopped up and my throat is sore. I called and asked if I could take something for it and they told me I could for today but not tomorrow since I have to take some meds they gave me. SO Im really hoping a good nites rest will help me.. Jen