Had to catch-up sorry LONG!
I loved the B-Day Song!! Thanks Tammi.
Hey everybody! Sure have been missing all. My back has really keep me away so long but I'm up and >>>>running
Sorry my computer ate the rest of the story I Guess? Anyway I had a great B-Day!
My 1 week post was that same day and I was already down -15 LBS
I told Dr. Proctor that I wonder if he had even done anything because I felt so good and he said " Your lossing Now" Anyway he told my husband that we could go to Red Lobster for my B-day and get some crableggs! We left and went straight there. They were the best tasting leggs I have ever had. What a way to end them liquids!! I haven't have any problems. All is well!! I did have a little problem today with Tuna Salad and my pouch not agreeing.
But better now and even tried BBQ meat for supper and it was yummy. Don't want to see any Tuna Salad for awhile now. My back is getting better day by day. I'm still seeing the Chiroprator everyday though. I plan on going back to work Monday. Anyway guess I better get ready for
for I have already had to type this twice since my computer likes to eat the rest.
- 15 LBS
You rock! Even with back troubles, you're down 15. WAY TO GO!!!
So, when Dr. Procter lets us have "soft proteins" after our post-op, what kinds of things came to mind for you? I have no idea what counts as soft protein, & my post op is Thursday.
You will be in my prayers! Keep up the great work!
Hey Amanda,
Thanks for the support and cheerleading!!! My weight loss has slowed down now but as long as they keep going I'm Okay with that. Dr. Proctor said that I could have things such as Tuna, CrabMeat, Fish, Cheese but I have even tried BBQ meat and Brunswichstew and it agreed fine with my pouch so I guess it is trial and error to see how things agree. I did have a little trouble with some tuna salad
Now I am trying to avoid it. Best of Luck to you! Keep us posted on your progress.