Feeling like Giving up
Hello every one I am just asking that everyone Keeps my Family in prayer I was just fired today because of missing to much work I had only been with this company for 7 months so I guess they were fed up with my Dr appointments even though i brought in documentation I guess today was last straw i requested the 10th off for pre op and 17th for surgery they gave me the rest of the year off instead I am scared now because i feel like I am putting to much on my husband first surgery and now he has to support me and 4 kids by himself I dont know if i should cancel surgery and start looking for another job i am so confused and sad so who ever is out there please pray that God gives me peace.
Don't give up! God has a plan for you. I would pray really hard for an answer and peace. This may sound silly but take a glass of water to bed with you; drink half tonight and half when you wake up in the morning and see if you don't feel more resolved.
You only have two weeks until Surgery and if your family really needs the money you can work temp jobs. What type of work do you do?
Please don't give up. This may be the prefect time for you to have surgery. I would not cancel now. Have surgery and then you will be able to look for a job and not have to worry about being out or missing any work. Good Luck with what ever you decide. I will keep you in my prayers to stay strong during these times.