I am new here....all comments accepted
Hi everyone, I am D'Lynn from Eastman, Ga. I am seriously considering having the gastric bypass surgery ROUX-EN-Y, and would appreciate any comments or recommendations from anyone. I have tried many times to lose weight by dieting, but unfortunately this has not been successful. My family has a long long line of obesity and medical problems related to obesity. My current BMI is 41.2.
The one incident that made me decide to have this surgery is one of my daughter's friend's mother was found dead on her couch. The lady was only 35, morbidly obese like me, and had many many medical problems including blood clots, TIAs, high BP, and diabetes. Although I do not currently have those medical problems, I do have a strong family history of those illnesses and do not wish to leave my daughters and husband alone to grow up without me. She left behind a 14 yo daughter, a 16 yo daughter, and a 19 yo daughter, all who are in stages they need their mother. Not like all kids dont need their mother, but they were hitting the critical points. Anyway, that opened my eyes to decided I needed to lose the weight so I could live longer and without medical complications which could cause me to die sooner than I wanted to. I have never smoked, and only drink socially about 2 times a year. But food is my vise....I love to eat. I am hoping this surgery will help me so much to enjoy my girls much more and have a better relationship with my husband, although he doesnt care what I weigh. I weighted 138 when we got married, and I am sure he would like to see me back at that or less...lol.
I am looking forward to chatting with all of you..and I am a big computer person, so I will be on frequently.
Welcome to our little family!!! Sounds like you're in the early stages of your surgery research. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter's friend's mother. I'm 33 and lost my mother a year ago - I don't think the'res any time that is "right" for a girl to loose her mom. I wouldn't wi**** on anyone.
Seeing what it can do to your family and to your life - I CHOSE to have the surgery so I wouldn't put my family through the suffering if I could possibly avoid it. I know it isn't a guarantee that it wouldn't happen - but it certainly helps to loose the weight!
Please feel free to add your $.02 - we like to get the opinions of everyone involved.
Good luck through your journey!!!!
Welcome D'Lynn, I'm sure you'll find the folks here on the GA board to be very supportive. I can't imagine going thru this surgery without the support I've found here.
I also recommend a local WLS support group, if there is one in your area. I attend a support group here in Warner Robins called Minimees, the group meets on the first and third Tuesday nights of each month. This support group is not directly affiliated with any surgeon, and there is no bias towards any surgeons. I find the local support to be a great asset to me, it gives me an opportunity to listen to the stories of other WLS people and to ask any questions I have concerning what I'm going thru now.
I'm 15 days post-op today, down 24 lbs since surgery, and have had no complications so far.
Look forward to seeing you post on the board, best of luck to you in your research and possible surgery.
Hi, D'Lynn, Welcome! I was at about the same place as you are when I started considering WLS...though you may be much younger. :smile: How sad for the family who lost their mother! For me, the surgery has been a great choice. Since I am only six and a half months out, I am still afraid of gaining the weight back. Right now, I feel so much better than before! I wish I had had the surgery sooner!
Thank you Becky so much for your encouraging words and profile. Like you I have wished that I had the guts to have the surgery earlier, but it took me this long to decide that this is how I needed help because I cannot do it on my own. Will power is one thing, but unless you are forced to change, it is hard. Hope to chat more with you later on. Thanks again.