When will the energy come back - Help!
The best advice I can give you is that it's just going to take some time.
As you are well aware your body has been through a major ordeal.
Rest, fluids, vitamins(don't forget B-12 and you may want to consider the B-12 shots!), walking and as much protein as you can- is all that you can really do at this point.
Hang in there! It really does get better!
It just takes some time for your energy to come back. Between surgery, anesthesia, and the fact that your body is adjusting to a significant less number of calories you can feel pretty rough. I went back to work after 1 1/2 weeks and thought I would die for the next two weeks. I am on my feet most of the time and by 2:30 every day I wanted either a nap or a gun to put me out of my misery. At the beginning of the 4th week, I realized that I was almost back to normal and have had no problems since. Hang in there.
Derrick, for me I was probably 3 months out before I really felt "normal" again. Course, I'm 56 and my age probably played a part in some of it. Your body has been through a lot...and right now you're nutritionally deficient. It'll all come back....ya just gotta not worry and be patient. Though I know exactly how you feel. I could NOT have gone back to work before 4 weeks and I sit most of the day. Well, I could have I guess, but it would have been a major chore. I was tired a LOT!
Hang in there! Fluids...Fluids...fluids!