Shree, I had a g/f that sat at Gene Evans Ford or some car dealership ALL DAY one day after calls to get her daughter's car "exchanged"! Literally, exchanged...She said I don't want this one fixed! I want a NEW Car...My daughter's xmas present, you said this, this, this. It worked! They were so glad to get rid of her, at the end of the day they drove around another automobile! The squeaky wheel does sometimes get the oil. I've never been as assertive in my life as I've needed to be, but I'm getting BETTER. I'm so sorry all this is happening to you. But just hold to the thought....if not this year NEXT. I'm confident with all the support available Laws will Change and coverage will be mandated. You heard Dr. Burrowes say we can help already by writing letters to our congressmen, our Human Resource departments and by showing up a the capital next year hopefully when the bill he's working on in introduced to the floor for discussion. Hang in there.