abdominal pain!
I had an upper GI done today and I have been experiencing pain on my right side since 1pm. I called Emory Dunwoody and spoke to a nurse who suggested drinking hot coffee in case it was gas from the Barium solution but I have had 3 bowel movements and am still in pain. Has anyone else experienced this after an Upper GI??
Hi Kimberly,
I am sorry you are having problems. I have had about 7 of the upper GI's but never had any problem. It might not hurt to call the doc again in the morning and ask if he can see you again if it is still hurting. If it gets worse and unbearable, go to the ER. Let me know how it goes. I wish I could help more.
Debra =^..^=
Thanks for the feedback. I went to the ER about 6am and found out that my upper colon is impacted with stool. I feel like a pin cushion right about now and am still having pain but with the medications they gave me hopefully everything will start moving soon.
I am supposed to have a follow up visit in two days.