Complication the next: incisional infection (WARNING: GROSS)
Went to the bathroom today and started to do a little minor cleanup on the to of the incision, which is just about about at the bottom of my sternum. Kinda of sore and tender, then I look closer and the line itself is this nasty yellow. "Hmm" I think, and get an antibacterial wipe to gently clean it.
Well, it cleaned whatever was hold it at bay, because all of a sudden there is this tiny little "pfffft" of malodorous air and I'm suddenly pumping out this foul pinkish-orangeish pus but what seems to be gallons. I soaked 2 4x4's in no time, hollered for Mike to call the doctor, and started trying to get the flow stemmed.
Got the Ans Svc, who called the nurse on call, who called and talked to me and Mike. Told us to use sterile swabs to clean out the area and bandage it, and clean it twice a day, doctor will see me Monday if nothing changes. So Mike went and got this stuff from the pharmacy, and I dutifully went it with swabs and H2O2. Well this was going to talk forever, so I called the nurse back and said I was going to flush wth peroxide, she said that would be fine.
Finally got all the guck out (I started collecting it because that's how my mind is, got about 3/4 cup of crap out). Now I have a tegaderm bandage over it so it can drain without messing up more clothes and binders. I'm hoping it won't get worse. Odd thing, no fever, nothing really unusual. Just all of a sudden Old Fathful in the middle of my belly. Yick.
Please, someone tell me you made it through this too. I'm beginning to get a wee bit frightnened now. I also wonder if I should just go on to the emergency room closest and get it professional dealt with... or call up the doc and tell them to meet me at their office in Anniston? 6 of one, half dozen of the other...
I had lap, so I can't really answer about that, all my areas healed perfectly. However, a couple of years ago, I had a huge benign tumor removed from my back. A few days later, it started getting puffy and yellowish. I finally talked my dh into poking a sterile needle into the sucture line (on advice from a nurse), and tons of yellowish, watery gunk came out. He was grossed out, and it soaked lots of bandages. But, the doc said this was normal. It came out, and healed right up. It was just drainage that had no where to go. Hopefully, this is the case with yours. The fact that you have no fever is for sure a great sign. Relax, don't worry. Keep an eye on it, and call your surgeon to update them on Monday. Sooner if you have a fever though!
Hope this helped a little!

Oh yeah, another bit of advice, and I think most will agree with me.
Always always always go back to the hospital where your surgeon performed the surgery. Don't ever go to another hospital where they may not be familar with WLS. This is dangerous, as many ER doctors and nurses are clueless about side effects, dangers, etc, and how to fix them.
Of course, any incision line can become infected, but I still would not risk it, and would always go back to the hospital that did the surgery.
Good luck,
Oh my God! I think I would go nuts! But I do agree with Kathy, if you don't have a fever, that's a good sign. I would just keep it very clean, let it air out, if possible, and see a doctor just in case. I always feel beter when the doctor see's my problem, instead of hearing about it. I wish you the best, and I will continue to pray for a better recovery.
God Bless,
Hi, Lorri! This didn't happen to me, but I have read about the same kind of thing on the main board. A lady named Cyndi Mc(something) described a very similar experience. I remember it because I was worried about her. I couldn't believe that the doctor didn't want to see her immediately. Well...she's great now. Just follow the doc's orders, and you should be great too!!! If you start running a fever, call again!
Big ((((((hugs))))) to you!!!
Hi Lorri, I am sorry you are having trouble. Mine wasn't quit like that. I had severe drainage from around my drain tube. Every time I drank, it drained and more. Just keep the bandages clean and if you go to the hospital, make sure you go back to the hospital where your surgery was and get the doc that did your surgery too. I went to the same hospital but they wouldn't call my doctor like they were supposed to and I did not get the care I would have if he had seen me. Let me know if you need anything at all. I will do what I can to help. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Debra =^..^=
I had one of those show up at about 6 wks out. But mine was much smaller than yours.
It came up as a little blister one day. I poked at it, it was soft so I left it alone. It ruptured the next day. And, like you, I got kind of freaked over the volumn of drainage. There seemed to be an endless amount of yuck inside.
But once it kind of stopped, I put a bandage on it and just kept changing it when it leaked thorough.
It sounds like you are going to be draining a lot more than me. I'd use a sanitary napkin to collect it. They're big, cheap and clean.
It took about 10 days but not it's almost dried up and healed. (Yours is going to take a lot longer).
One tip I got from my PCP, when cleaning with H2O2, dilute it 1 part H2O2 to 2 parts sterile water. He said the reg. store bought 3% H2O2 is too strong and it should be diluted. (It seemed to help).
I didn't notice how far out you are but I was far enough out that most of the incision area had gone soft. Except for this area that had the fluid pocket, that area was very hard. Now that its almost healed, the area if much softer.
Oh, another difference, my drainage wasn't infected. No stink. It was more of a clear, just slightly yellow with a pink tinge. But clear, not pus cloudy. If yours is infected you might have to take an antibiotic:-{
I'm sorry this has happened to you. It is going to take maybe 3 wks for it to clear and heal up. Just do your best to keep it clean and a pad over it. And know that you're not alone, this is pretty common.
Blessings and Peace,
open RNY 9/30/04 DrAppel