Lorri R.
on 11/25/04 6:21 am - Tallapoosa, GA
And wore slam out. Here's the abbreviated version, a longer one will be forthcoming later on when I can stand to be on the 'puter for more than 10 minutes at a time... First we all have to understand I've had numberous abdominal surgeries in the past 10 years: hysterectomy, double oviariectomy and salpingectomy (took out ovaries and tubes), panniculectomy ( tummy tuck along with the ovaries and tubes), and then 2 hernia repairs with mesh, the most recent in 2000. All this left me with scar tissue, adhesions, and a surgical field from hell for Dr. Freeman to deal with. He and his wonderful PA Tim tried to do it all lap, but had to go open when they found my 2 mesh repairs had adhesed together and that there was an old blood clot the size of Dr. F's fist between them. They also found little hernias on the left. Opened me up, fixed those, did the surgery, everything went well. Until I woke up -- my entire abd wall would spasm and make me scream, I managed to use so much morphine I locked myself out of the PCA, and on top of that the stress of surgery, my wreck last week, and going from lap to open was more than my kidneys were interested in dealing with, so they began to shut down. (This really freaked me out, because that is how my mother died!) I was in horrible pain, low BP (like 54/40 and lower), no urine output, couldn't breathe (yeah, incentive spirometer this, buddy...), just all around a major mess. I was horribly dehydrated, the papillae on my tongue felt like splinters of wood instead of that soft giving surface. They were pushing fluids at the rate of 2 L per hour or so. All this extra fluid made it hard to breathe, so my PO2 was in the 80's on a full cannula, so I was on a mask and breathing treatments 2x daily... All that was happening though was something called "third spacing" -- the fluids weren't going into the cells, there were going into the spaces between the cells; none of it was available to my body to use for healing, cleansing, anything. So they added Lasix and Dopamine to the mix. I kept telling people I was dehydrated -- they couldn't even get blood gasses without getting the best sticker in the place because my little arteries had turned into little limp worms. My feet were swollen, my hands and arms, my belly, my face, I couldn't rest, I could barely get up, I peed on the floor every time I got up to try to pee in the toilet (which inspired The Battle Of **** Island, a story for later), couldn't get wiped dry, and was just miserable. Yes, I uttered those immortal words: "I SHOULD NEVER HAVE HAD THIS SURGERY...." But Tuesday I had a heart to heart with Tim and Dr. F, told them how tired I was from people in and out and I couldn't rest in the bed, and how scared I was, etc etc, so Tuesday was my official DON'T MESS WITH LORRI DAY -- if all I wanted to do was sleep, that's what I'd do, no vitals checked after 10 pm and before 6 am. I was so much better Wednesday that they sent me home. BP nomal, kidneys running like gangbusters, gurgles and burbles in belly from gas and impending BM's, drinking diet well, and just a total about-face from where I was the previous Friday. All drains are out, about 1/3 of staples are as well. I go back next week to get the rest pulled. I had my scrambled egg this morning for breakfast and you know, it was ok. But I'm OUT, I'm on the OTHERSIDE, and should I have had this surgery? Welll..... eventually I'd have had to have the hernias dealt with anyway, and gone through this without having the RNY to help prevent further ones. My health was getting very poor. I had no energy. Now, even just a couple days into feeling like a human again, the answer is a resounding... YES!!!!! I'M GLAD I HAD THIS SURGERY!!! More details later, Mike is running me off the computer. Thanks to sweet Robin W for keeping everyone updated and not scaring people until I got the chance to do it in the best way -- in retrospect! And don't let anyone say there is no power in prayer. THERE IS. Thank you to all my OH friends for believing and acting on their beliefs. Robin, could you cross post this to the main board too? Thanks everyone, and I love you all. Lorri Tired, sore, and a Winner
on 11/25/04 8:33 am - DUNWOODY, GA
Hi Lorri Welcome BAAAAAA-AAAAAAACK!! Tina N
on 11/25/04 10:10 am - Hawkinsville, GA
You said it best my friend...you ARE a winner!!! I'll post your message on the main board now. Welcome home! Robin
on 11/25/04 12:26 pm - Jefferson, GA
Hi Lorri, I am sorry you had so much trouble but am so glad you are doing so much better. If you need anything just yell, we are all here for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs, Debra =^..^=
on 11/25/04 1:31 pm - villa rica, GA
Hi Lorri Im glad your home and feeling better!!!!huggsss Amy C.
on 11/25/04 2:25 pm - Jonesboro, GA
Welcome back, Lori glad to see you are doing better. Ms.Thang
on 11/25/04 7:36 pm - Duluth, GA
You're BAAAAA-AAAAAACK and we are GLAAAAA-AAAAD!!! Praise God that you made it through ok....You sound wonderful!! I'm so thrilled for you...Girl, in just a few months, you are going to be so happy with life, that you will forget (ok..maybe not TOTALLY forget) that you had such a hard time. My quality of life has improved soooo much! YAY Lorri! -Tami
(deactivated member)
on 11/25/04 8:36 pm - Warner Robins, GA
Lorri, WOW! You have been through a lot! I am so glad you made it through. No doubt your positive attitude helped pull you through. Welcome Home!! HUgs, Tonya
on 11/25/04 8:44 pm - columbus, GA
Welcome BAAAAAA-AAAAAAAACK!!! So glad you are home and feeling better. Martha
Tiffany :.
on 11/26/04 4:45 am - Valdosta, Ga
HI LORRI!!!!!! I am so happy that you are feeling better. My God I didn't know that you were going through so much. I was praying for the best for you, but I didn't know that it was that bad! You are a true fighter! and now it will get easier and easier with every step. I hope that you never have to go through anything like that again (and from the looks of thing, you shouldn't) I'm so happy to hear that you are BBBBBBBAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! Make sure to get enough rest and take care of yourself!' God Bless, Tiffany.
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