Thankful....(Warning...long post)
You know... I have not updated my profile in a while, so I finally drug my happy self over there and updated it.
When I did, I read all my "WISH LIST" items that I wanted and dreamed for after surgery. It would appear that I have to make a new list...
Check this out...
1) "Back doesn't hurt constantly" - No more back pain
2) "Kids don't think mom is Jabba the Hut sitting on the couch all the time".. Well, they NEVER said I was Jabba the Hut, but that's how I felt. I don't feel like that anymore, although I DO still love my I love it after I have gone to the gym 2-3 times a week.
3) "Enjoy vacations more due to ease of movement" - I HAVE ease of movement...I'll let ya know when I get to go on a vacation.
4) "Asthma will hopefully improve" - I have already dropped one medication...I take Singular 1x a day, and I rarely use my inhaler
anymore...I wa****ting that thing WAYYYY too much before.
5) "I can reach my toes and take better care of my feet." DONE!! YEAH!
6) "Hygenic Improvements" - Ok..not much detail here, but I can reach places that I haven't been able to reach in a LONG time!
7) "I can participate more with Christopher's interest" - I was COMPLETELY involved with marching band..did TONS of walking and working and sweating. Spent the WHOLE day walking around the fall festival..
8)"I can keep a better house cuz I won't tire so easily" - OK..So MAYBE this one requires more MOTIVATION!
9) When I eat if something falls off my utensil, it will actually hit the napkin in my lap instead of ALWAYS staining my blouse in the "boob" area! - I dropped something the other day at our luncheon, and that sucker HIT THE FLOOR!! Ya know why?? Cuz there was ROOM between me and the table...THAT didn't used to happen!!
10) "I won't always be the biggest parent in the group" - Well, I'm not anymore, but I have to keep loosing, cuz the other lady that was bigger had the surgery about 2 months ago! YAY for her!!
11)"I won't have to make the joke "Hey! Fat Asthmatic Here!" when walking with people I can't keep up with" - I get teased at work now, cuz I walk so much faster..
12) "Being able to cross my legs" - YEAH BABY!! Crossing comfortably thank you!
13) "Not needing the seat belt extender on airplanes - Haven't flown since this....which suits me! I HATE to fly!
14) "Being able to bend over and pick stuff up" - Heck! I'm doing pilates now, and one of the exercises is to bend all the way over at the waist, and walk your hands back to your toes....Yeah, I think I got this one covered!
15) "Being able to sit in a booth in a restaurant" - NOOOO PROBLEMO!!
16) "Be able to Sllliiiide onto a barstool, instead of needing a hydraulic lift!" - Doing the slide these days!! LOL!
17) "Be able to wear sleeveless shirts w/o being self conscious" - Well..heck..WHO CARES right now? It's almost freaking WINTER for goodness sakes!LOL!
18) "Wearing my rings on the appropriate fingers instead of wearing 2 rings on finger they will fit" - My rings all need to be resized now, cuz they are all TOO BIG!!
19) "Being able to sit up after lying flat" - Ok..still working on this one..My pilates instructor sits right up, cuz I SWEAR she's made of rubber!
20) "I wanna go to my Braves games again- I have given up about 4 sets of tix".. I went to the last Division Game with my dad, and we walked a LONG way from the parking lot! We lost but it meant SOOOO much to me!!
WHEW! I know..long tortuous post...Oh well... I have knocked off about 19 off my list of 27 (I saved you the pain of listing the ones the ones I HAVEN'T yet completed..)
I know we all have a list like this, and I know so many of us have been able to strike a bunch of them off!!
I know I am thankful for this.. I am sure you are as well.
Take care and have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Hey Lady,
That was quite a list. I am so happy that it has changed so much for you. I wish you only the best in everything. Liek you know, if you need me just yell. The storm knocked out my phones so I am waiting for them to get back in working order. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless you and yours.
Debra =^..^=
Thank you Miss Becky!
Awwww...c'mon girl, quit pullin' my leg...cuz remember, I don't believe you ever HAD a big belly! LOL!!!
And a pilate is an EVIL EVIL thing that takes a gal who is feeling pretty good about herself until she lays down on the mat and tries to look as cool and collected as the instructor, until she looks over in the mirror and sees her tree trunk legs shaking profusely, IF she can keep it up in the air...OR it's watching the same instructor, *****member is made of RUBBER, just roll her happy self right up from a complete horizontal position, to an upright position...without grunting and leaning to the left and pushing herself up with her elbow! LOL!
Hope your day is wonderful...You are a very special person!