As many of you know I've been in a real crunch to try to get "approved" to have my surgery this year as my employer did not elect to add the rider to our BCBS HMO coverage for 2005....I have not had surgery yet.
A most unusual and out of the blue complication occurred!!!!!
I had swelling and pain in my lower leg (and finally my entire leg swelled up to the point I could not walk within 3 days). I had to be persistent because no one was taking me seriously when I told them how much it hurt.
I went to see an associate of my PCP and asked that he check my potassium level..came back the next day and was told it was ok - it must be a muscle spasm...I could not take it by the evening afterwork and went to the ER...they did a dopplar study/sonogram and said no clot and gave me pain meds and a antibiotic and said I had infection in my leg...I still was in excrutiating pain and could not hardly walk and went back to the PCP fill-in the next morning - who told me it was a medicine interaction first, then he told me it was sciatia...I told him it was not because I do have sciatia and this was all-together different...he made me cry in his office because he was so condescending and was being hateful...he sent me to pain management that morning - where I get epidurals for my "real" sciatia pain...he even argued with me that my legs were not swollen...I almost passed out 3 times in his office and he thought I was faking...
I got to my pain managment office and you should have seen the looks on their faces....they used the word idiot a few times and called everyone in to look at what he had sent them...they got in touch with my real PCP and personally took me across the street to the ER (a different one than the first).
When I got to the ER they were serious this time...immediate xrays, doppler/sonogram (she said I had a clot the first time the wand touched my groin vein), tons of labs, EKG, ECG, et....and finally admission to the ER.
I developed a blood clot and had to be hosptialized. And I still was swelling after 4 days of being in the hospital on heparin and coumadin and, my PCP sent me to a vascular surgeon...
I had a clot that encircled the vein in my knee and extended in all the veins from my knee up through my groin into my hip and into my stomach up to the height of my belly-button...OMG! What a blood clot does is build and build like a lava flow....I ended up having surgery the next day where they lay you on your stomach and open the veins at the crease in your knee and roto-rooter out the clot and flu**** out with water and medicine that makes it bleed out...It was quite an adventure as I was not "out" for the procedure and I could "feel" the instrument all the way in my stomach and hip region - it was like being at the dentist and knowing you are numb but still feel pulling, ect... They also did an angioplasty on my main vein in my leg at the groin region ( a balloon like instrument that strectched the vein). I spent two more days in the hosptial and have been home since Saturday.
So, I am very thankful to God that I am still here and able to tell my know when something is wrong!!!
My leg is still swollen and will be for weeks I'm told...I can only walk to about the bathroom with a walker right now as I've been on TOTAL bedrest...yes that meant bedpan in the hospital...I'm just now allowed to start moving around a little with the walker in the house and must use a wheelchair when I have to go out daily to have my coumadin level checked. I'm on lots of meds including lovenox which I have to inject into my stomach 2 times per day which is one of the anti-clot medicines. I'll be on meds for this for atleast 3-6 months and possibly life depending on what caused it.
The doctor said that the following contributed to it: diuretics, hormones, inactivity and being overweight...but the exact reason is still being investigated with blood testing etc.
Also, I am at peace with the WLS decision - as I can't do it right now because of the clot anyway... I had been praying about whether this what I was supposed to be doing or not (before the clot)...all the sudden I just had this feeling that my body was not up to it...and you know what it wasn't...I was praying for a sign so that I would know if I should drop it for now and pursue at a later time - I just did not want to rush into it because of my insurance not covering it in 2005....and guess what? My question was answered for me.
Best Wishes,
Chris S
I was wondering where you have been. Thank God you found the clot in time. I would be sure to write to the Doctor who was condescending to you and let him know EXACTLY how you feel. I would also let him know that you will be telling everyone you know what a quack he is!!! Maybe he will be more sympathetic next time!
I know that everything happens for a reason. God knew this was going to happen to you, that's why the WLS never came through. It's wonderful when you can actually see the work of God firsthand!!
You rest up and be good!! (Do you have a choice!!)
WHAT AN EVENT! And that you're still here to tell us about it, OMG!
You should send that jerk of a "Doc" your hospital bill. HA that would wipe that condensending smirk off his face!
Are they going to install a Greenfield filter?
Blessings to you. I know what you mean about "getting the message". But jeez did it have be such a huge blood clot?!?!?!
Take care,
I know bed rest is a total bore but....
Let me just say, that someone up there is watching out for you. I had a friend several years ago, that passed away due to a clot in her leg, at the age of 22. I will keep you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. By the way, did they mention to you about certain foods that you should stay away from while on the blood thinners? When I was still working at the hospital (before my dear boys came) my boss had a clot, and had to be put on Coumadin. Anyway, she was told to limit her intake of dark green veggies(ie. broccoli, spinach, some lettuce) I guess they can increase your Coumadin level. This was 5 years ago, so I am not sure if it is still true with todays meds, but I just wanted to let you know.
Take Care,
Cathy Martin