You S.O.B
I got this message in my email today and I would like to say to the sender, you are a sorry excuse for a human being. No matter what mood I am in, every member on this board will find me to be supportive and loving. I dont know what got into this reader, but they are so full of sh*t that it isn't even funny. Like the rest of us, I came here for support, and I give my support to others. For someone to have such a heartless, uninformed thing to say is simply, sad. I think everyone one else will agree when I say that this is a support group- I might not agree with what you have to say, but that is no excuse for being a butt about it. I realize that you probubly don't know how much of a jerk you are being, ignorant people usually don't know they're ignorant.
Here is the message:
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 10:00:10 -0000
From: "kendisney"
Subject: Re: crying...
Hay... Why don't you want to help yourself.. You gained 24 lbs while
considering WLS, come on wake up and put the food down. You must want
it bad enoughf to show them you can do it, because after you make
that choice and have the WLS done there is no turning back no if ands
or buts. This is a life long commitment and if you can't make the
initial step in at least maintaining the current weight don't waist
there time. Other deserving people who are maintaining and TRYING to
loose weight need the appoitments. So you fat **** at least TRY...and
remember you put yourself in your situtation, remember WLS is a last
Tiffany, I think a juvenile sent this message as a prank. It is absolutely horrid, but please know that I do not believe any one on this board would EVER say such things. Unfortunately, with the person's immaturity probably comes delight in hurting you. Don't give him/her power. Completely ignore it. You are better than this!!!
Big ((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))) to you!!!!
It must of been Dan Quayle with all the missed-spelled words!! Let's hunt him down
. Don't let ignorance upset you....obviously this person is very unhappy with himself so he must take it out on others. You are beautiful on the inside and out and what you are doing is for YOU and noone else. Keep smiling and keep your chin up!!

Hi Tiffany, I really don't think anyone from the GA board would have posted this. Everyone that I have meet on this board has just been wonderful. This person is really ignorant and could not have had WLS or considering having WLS. If we could contol our weight gain we would not need surgery, if it was this easy. Everyone has has experienced weight gain during stressful times. Try not to let this bother you. Everyone on this board is always here if you need us.

This is terrible. How can a person be so insensitive? Has to be a person with no understanding of the stuggles we go through. It has been said people who attack others are usually unhappy with themselves. Block this persons e-mail from your e-mail. Remember one persons stupidity does not mean everyone is that way. Consider that e-mail as spam!