My MOM!!
Ok update ...and i forgot to add that my mom had the surgery about a year and a half ago ...So that is why i am all about passing on what happeneds to her on the board so we can all look out for the symptems and all ...But she ended up haveing a internal herina and they stiched it up and she came home friday night and last night she was finally starting to feel good that is good i just hope all the pain she has been haveing will go away and no more hospital visits .....

I am so glad to hear that your mom is doing so much better, and that they actually found out what the problem is!
I know a thing or two about hernias. My boys are only 10 1/2 months apart, so when I was pregnant with Jacob, I got my first one. When I had my Gastric Bypass, they also took out my gallbladder, and repaired the hernia.( by then, there were 2) Within 8 weeks, my hernia repair had opened, I have since learned that if they just repair by stitching and not using me**** usually will need to be revised. I waited about a year to get ther hernia fixed again, and in 7/03 I had more surgery. At that time, there were 3! I have a 7 x 9 piece of mesh inside of me! Guess what, by 11/03 I had another hernia, which now brings my total up to 6.(I think, I won't know if there is more than 1 until they open me up)
I just turned 30 a couple of weeks ago, I feel like this shouldn't be happening to me. The reason that I am telling you this, is so that your mom can be EXTRA careful during her recovery. If they used mesh, she should be okay, but if they just stitched her up, she needs to be even more careful. I always followed the doctors instructions, but I felt that if I had waited more than the 6 weeks before I went back to regular activity, I wouldnt be in the situation I am in.
Please let your mom know that I wish her all the luck for a succesfull repair of her hernia!
Cathy Martin
thanks so much for the info .....I will defintally pass it on since they did stich her up and did not use mesh ....And she is trying to do more than she should so today when i talk to her i will pass this on ...I think espically since she is older it will effect her more ya know .....Man i hope things are going good for you now sounds like you had one heck of a time there for alittle bit !!!!