A little bummed. . .
I'm sorry I missed the dinner last night, but my first week at my new job KICKED MY BUTT!!! I haven't been on my feet so much in years. My back is killing me, and my feet were throbbing when I left last night. Sigh. Hey, but I'M BACK AT WORK!! (Yipee)
Also, I got my "thanks very much for interviewing, etc. blah blah)" letter from Delta yesterday.
My first interview with them was back in August. Boy, took them long enough. Oh well, I'll worry about that after Christmas, I guess.
I'm enjoying my new job, even if it IS kicking my butt. There's a lot to learn, but the other people in the store are being very helpful. If anyone needs electronics for Christmas, come see me at Radio Shack in Norcross - it's at the corner of Holcomb Bridge and Peachtree Parkway behind the IHOP. If that's not close to you, see my son Andrew at Perimeter Mall, or my son Daniel at the store in Lawrenceville!! Yep, we're a Radio Shack family!!
I'm sure you guys had a great time last night. I'll probably be working for the next one, so I doubt I'll be able to come in December. I sure missed it, but I just came home and collapsed last night.
Hope to see ya soon!!
Ann in Duluth aka Working Girl