WRECKED MY TRUCK!!! Will it delay surgery?
Coming home from school Friday I overcorrected, slid on the wet pavement, and totaled my truck and came too damn close to totalling ME! Thank God for the new safety cages, seat belts, and being held in Someone's hand! Hubby had canceled the full coverage on the truck "to save money", so there won't be a replacement any time soon (I do wish he wouldn't be penny wise and pound foolish...), but I'll be driving my mother's car for now.
I have a lovely bruise pattern across my chest from the left side of my neck, across my throat, down into my right armpit from the seat belt that saved my life (I'm not being dramatic here, quite literally I'd be dead without the seat belt). Got taken to Higgins ER on a backboard with a neckbrace on, Xrayed and CT'ed, nothing broken. Could have sworn my left jaw was broken, left clavicle, but nope. Just bruised and banged up.
My throat was sore and a bit swollen Friday evening, but all that was gone yesterday, and now I'm just sore, but not real bad -- when I saw I wasn't going to be able to recover, I just went limp and said "It's in your hands, Lord". Shoulders and neck are touchous, but I'm getting around just fine.
The ER doc said she didn't think it should interfere with my WLS surgery THIS THURSDAY, but she said to call Dr. Freeman just to make sure. I did when I got home, but haven't heard anything -- I imagine I will tomorrow (Monday). Don't know if anyone else has been thru something like this, do you think it will make them delay my surgery? If I don't have it on 11/18, it will be 12/16 before I can do it. I want to get it done, but I want it to be absolutely safe for me, too... well, as safe as it can be.
Any ideas?
VERY lucky to be here typing this
WOW. I'm glad to hear you weren't hurt any worse than you were. You certainly had watching out for you!! I can't give you any advise as to whether or not this will delay your surgery - "only your doctor can tell." However, you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
It's good that you have another vehicle to use for now.
Keep the faith!!
Ann in Duluth
Lorri, I thank the Lord you are OK and not hurt any worse than you are! Let me tell you what I experienced about 13 years ago.
Back then, I had a prolapsed bladder that I was going to have corrected (tied up) surgically. The day before my surgery was scheduled, I had to go in for "pre-op"...the usual testing, etc. After that was done, I got back on the Interstate to go back home, and just AS SOON AS I did, I was trying my best to build up speed from the on-ramp when I guess I was not going fast enough to someone's satisfaction, and I was bumped from behind. I was driving my little chevette at the time, and I immediately skidded out of control. There was an 18 wheeler trying to pass me and he had to jackknife to keep from hitting me. I skidded all over the highway and finally went off the road down an embankment and into a tree. I was like you...just praying to God to save me!! And, like you, thank God for seatbelts! I had the same bruise that outlined where the seatbelt was, and my entire chest area felt like it was going to cave in.
The ambulance came and took me back to the SAME hospital ER where I had just been. The surgery was postponed a couple of weeks until I got over being so sore, and the bruising subsided. And, I didn't argue one bit about it..as I just could not face all that on top of what I had been through.
Give yourself time to get over this. Your poor body has been through some trauma and you need time to totally heal from this. 12/16 is not so far away. I was supposed to have my own WLS this coming Tuesday, 11/16 and they called me on Thursday to tell me it was postponed until 12/7. I threw a fit at first, but realized it is probably for the best to give me time to stay on my pre-op diet a little longer.
Of course, you have to do what you feel is best...but if I were you, I would wait and have it done on the 16th of December...it will be here before you know it, and you will be feeling much better by then.
Please know you will be in my prayers, dear. Take good care of yourself, OK?
God bless you!
I am just really happy to hear that you didn't get hurt worse then you did. I am sorry about your accident, but I think that if you are fine, the doctor should go ahead with the operation. Thank God you were wearing a seat belt! I hope the best for you, keep us posted about your surgery. Drive safe!
God Bless,