I am the ULTIMATE in Discouraged!!!
OK guys...here I am again...asking for advice.
I'm so discouraged right now concerning my weight loss. I am 4 weeks post - op. The first two weeks I lost 17 pounds. I have barely lost 5 pounds the remaining 2 weeks of my 1 month post-op. I had lost 15 prior to surgery so I'm teetering on a total loss near 40 pounds.
I called the Dr.'s office today and they said they didn't think I was eating enough and to eat 2 - 3 ounces every 2 - 3 hours. That seems so conflicting to what they said on the paper...to eat 3 meals and a snack a day. I'm afraid I'll get in the habit of 'grazing' all day long.
My calories are staying around 700 a day...my protein is not near what they want me to have and I'm working very hard to get all my water down a day. And yes...I know...I am weighing too often. My hubby threatens to hide the scales all the time.
I started back to Curves this week and ride my exercise bike on the days I don't go to Curves.
Somebody PLEASE tell me what you were eating daily at this stage out. Give me some advice...I mean 20-22 pounds the first month seems like so little when I read all the other posts on this board about big loss the first month.
HELP!!! At this point, I'm ready to jump off a bridge or something.
Robin who thinks she'll never get to

Hey Robin!! Please don't be so hard on yourself...22 lbs in a month in nothing to sneeze at. You are doing great!!
I for one am very impressed with your progress and YES you will get to
. I had lap RNY 7/12/04 and lost 40 lbs the first month and 0 lbs the second.
I was so disappointed but now I've learned to eat more protein, drink more water, and forget the rate that others lose their weight. You are unique and your body will continue to lose weight at its own pace. It's hard, believe me, I know but you are and will continue to do just fine. I predict a saddle is in your future. I hope you have a great day and congratulations on that awesome weight loss!!

Girlfriend, your protein plays a HUGE part in your weight loss!
At 4 wks, I was drinking 16 oz of skim milk & 2 scoops of Unjury chocolate protein shake (40 grams protein from the shake and 17 grams from the milk)
I was eating an egg each day (7 grams protein)
Deli meat- several slices, can't remember how much...but chicken/turkey is loaded with protein
A cheese stick - about 17 grams of protein...
I was required to have 68 grams a day. I was getting well more than that... PLUS I was drinking MOST of my water (I added Crystal Light Pink Lemonade to it most of the time)
That was a typical day...sometimes when Ifelt I was moving like I wanted to see, I would go back to eating soup/liquids for a day...seemed to do the trick.
But listen...at 3 1/2 weeks, I hit my first plateau!! I didn't lose anything for about 2 weeks! VERY FRUSTRATED!! Makes you think that maybe this isn't going to work for you.... NOW.. I am down 94 glorious pounds, and while still frustrating, I have learned to take this plateaus in stride.
Hang in there girl!! Call me if you need me...email me and I will give you my number!

First take a deep breathe. I know as hard as it is to compare yourself to others it does happen. Your 22 pounds is wonderful. The weight loss has not ended and it's still early. Some days I go days without losing, this is normal, but then you will step on the scale and see that you've lost.
Second, what ever you do don't weight everyday. That can really discourage you, try to only weight once a week. Yes I think hubby might have to lock your scale up!
Basically Tami described about what I ate around this time frame and gave excellent advice. You will keep losing and also remember the more exercise you are doing you are burning more calories, which is even less calories in your system. Since I started riding my exercise bike I've noticed a stall in my weight, but of course that's probably from a plateau

Hey Robin! I would just like to say that your body is probubly right where it is supposed to be. Think like this... "my stomach is much smaller, it's going to come off sooner or later!" Which is totally true. Everyone is different, and I know that it sucks to hear that when you hear about all of the success of others. I really hope that this "slow time" passes by really fast. Be happy that you have gotten the surgery
I know it will come off, and when it does, you'll be writting us talking about how to get it to stop!!!
God Bless, and take care,

Hi, Sweet Friend!!!
I think your weight loss is great!!! Truly!!! I bet your inches are dropping too!!!
Be sure to get your protein and water. I remember how tough it was, but for your health, you've got to do it. (I'm talking to myself too!) Have you found a protein drink that you like? I love the ProScore 100 that I order from Vitalady.
I think you ought to let your hubby hide the scales.
Are you going tomorrow night?
I've slowed down alot in the weight loss area. I've been concerned. I saw my doctor Thursday and he said I was doing fine. He says 2lb a week is the healthy goal, 100lb in a year. You hear of people losing a lot in the first few months but thats not nesessarily normal. I lost most in my first 3 weeks. Then these last 2 weeks its stayed pretty much the same. It is frustrating but at least I'm on the doctors schedule (timetable). I do believe I'm losing inches even though the weight isn't changing much. As for eating. I find eating every few hours gives me more energy. I see nothing wrong with it IF you are eating protein foods and not junk.