Doctors in Atlanta for revisions?
Dr. Celio Burrowes will do revisions...but he mandates the Fobi Pouch for a revision. It costs $4500 extra. I am a revision patient, having had the pioneer version of bypass surgery back in 1976. At that time they left the stomach intact and bypassed all but 18" of your intestinal tract. Total malabsorption...diarrhea, vomiting. I was dying a slow death, literally. Had to be reconnected 10.5 months later with a loss of 132 lbs. I vomited every single day except July 4th! lol...I still remember that! Needless to say it took me a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time to ever even imagine going under the knife again.
My revision has worked our great. He found none of the scar tissue and "stuff" he was afraid he might find after he got inside. I'm 13 weeks out...55 lbs. lighter and feelin' pretty dang good.