Thanks to everybody who said a prayer for me!! I came out of surgery just fine. Then about 2am Wed. night I felt like I had to burp and it was a little bit of blood. No big worry since that can happen when you get intubated in surgery. But it kept on and on. But the other problem started after I started drinking. Everything came back up. The first leak test was fine. But I had to go back for another one this time I had to drink about 6 swallows of the stuff yuck!!! Seems it was going into the small bowel but then it just stopped. So I had to go back for more surgery. Everything came out OK. I am a little more sore than I was after the first one of course. He went back in tthe same incisions. This only set me back a few hours and I was able to come home this afternoon. Of course the first thing I did was get myself all setup with everthing I need within reach from my recliner, CPAP, sippy cup with water, remote control. Then I promptly went to sleep. Just have got up and walked around a little, did the spirometer, and of course got right on the puter. Thanks to Debra for coming to visit me, and all the thoughts and prayers from everybody.