Darla Garcia..our surgeries..
Hi Darla! Your surgery is really tomorrow?? That is awesome! Are you excited? That stupid dateline show didn't deter me one bit. I think Dr. Procter is super! I will tell anyone who is considering the surgery, and already have, that he is THE doctor to see!
But, we have to talk to him about that laxative business LOL!! YUCK!!
I have to be there at 8:30, with surgery around 10 or so. What about you? Maybe we can share some jello afterwards lol!!
Let me know what time yours is!
Hi Kathy, I am suppose to be a the hospital at 6 am. I am so empty already that the phosfo soda hasn't really done much so far. May be it won't. LOL Almost everything I have heard about Dr. Procter is good. I am very excited, nervous. I didn't even see the dateline I have satelite and no local channels so I can never find anything on TV. Maybe we can share some jello or pass in the hall. One of my co workers is also having surgery tomorrow, also Dr Procter. Congratulations and good luck. Imagine we will be on the losing side tomorrow!!