Greenfield Filter...
I posted this on the main message board, then decided to see if posting it here would generate any responses as well:
I had a consultation with my surgeon, today, mainly to have my worries and concerns set aside by him. One of my main concerns was my fear of blood clots. I have read so much on this web site about people ending up with clots and even dying from them. I have never had a blood clot, but many years ago, I had problems with varicose veins and even had vascular ligation surgery on my left leg.
I also have learned that the implantation of the Greenfield Filter would greatly reduce the potential of blood clots. HOWEVER...(and, dontcha know, there has to be a "down" side) my doctor did tell me that one drawback is that the Filter could possibly break free and migrate to the heart causing problems and requiring open heart surgery!
This scared the living crap out of me! It is like a "catch 22," you know? I asked him what he recommended, and he said in light of my past problems and due to my age, he would recommend the Filter. As soon as I left his office, however, I had doubts, and now I just do not KNOW what to do...whether to tell him NOT to use the Filter, or allow him to do so. I would love to believe I would be OK if I just make sure to walk every hour and not become sedentary after the surgery, thus avoiding any clots forming.
I would love to hear from people that have had the Greenfield Filter implanted during their WLS, and if anyone has ever heard ot the problem my surgeon described, where the Filter breaks free and finds its way to the heart.
I am climbing the walls here...and I am 10 days away from my "date."
Thank you all in advance and God bless you!
When I went in for my pre-op with Dr. Hart, he said that one of my blood tests showed that I might be a "candidate" for blood clots. He consulted with a vascular surgeon who decided that I was not at high risk and didn't need a filter. I just made sure that I moved around every so often while in the hospital and after I got home, even when I didn't want to!!
With ANYTHING you have done, there can be complications. However, there are probably many people out there with the filters who have never had an issue with the filter at all, but could have had SERIOUS issues with a blood clot without it.
Hang in there!!
Ann in Duluth
Hi Pat ,I to am gonna have to have the greenfield filter,I had a blood clot in my leg just over a year and a half ago and I do believe it is the safest way to go if you have had some problems,just think of the positive there are so many risks involved and it is scarey just keep your head up and trust in god,he works wonderful mircles...huggsss Amy C..