To all secret pal sponsors..........
Hey everyone,
I have heard from many people on the Ga board that is stressing dissapointment when it comes to seccret pal. The 2 main issues are 1- that when you send something to them there is no thank you are anything,also some people have stressed that they have sent online greetings or e-cards and there is no response.
2- That they have not recived anything from there secret pal as of now or the very seldom get anything rather it be online greetings , e-cards or mail and it is very upseting to them ,because theyare enjoying doing alot for theres.
Secret pals was invented for encouragement and to make people happy and feel cared for. If you signed up for secret pal and for what ever reason now you cant keep your committment let Modean are my self know. Alot of unexpected issues can come up and it is hard on you to keep the committment thatis fine , we all have those times and this you should not feel ashamed of this. you can always get back into the secret pals when you can .

Is there any way you can let us know who in particular feels neglected by their Secret Pal? I know myself, I have sent a few things, but I am not able to do something on a constant basis. It's hard to judge if what you're doing is enough. If we know who is feeling left out, maybe their secret pal can step up a little more. Thanks!

the ones I have talked to have NOT recived anything from theres at all even e-cards are awsome and free If you are sending yours anything atall you are doing great. The other thing on the thanks is somepeople can not afford something all the time and send several e-cards and feels there S>P is dissappointed because the have not sent material things all thetime.
I thought the secret pals thing was a "do it when we can" thing. I can't afford to constantly send something to my pal....but I will send something when I can! I'm "aiming" for about once a month a card or maybe something very small......
In all reality with the holidays coming up.....something small is all I can do!
How do we know who's not happy with there's if it's all a secret?!?!
I posted a thank you to mine because I wanted to - not because I ws "told" that was the proper thing to do?!?! (Yes - simple etiquite should come in to play.....but not every one can or will do that!)
Just my .02