Are these normal Feelings?
Maureen, I cannot begin to tell you how glad I am that you made this post! You certainly echo every single feeling I have been having ever since I have gotten a confirmed surgery date. All these things constantly go through my mind, and more.
I, too, have been struggling to lose the amount of weight required by my surgeon before my surgery takes place, but believe me it is HARD to do! As for being undisciplined, count me in! I have always been guilty of having very little will power and lacking in the discipline department. On many diets in the past, I had to rely upon appetite suppressants (diet pills) in order to stick to any diet for any length of time. But as we all know, that becomes old after a while, and seriously takes its toll on one's health. And, too, I always built up tolerances to them to the point where they no longer did their job. But, those days are past...never again will I resort to them!
In my opinion, from all I have heard from others, and from analyzing rather simple logic, we will be entering a very structured lifestyle, where discipline will be a "given." We will have no choice. Personally, I feel that THIS is the major factor that will lead us to a new and healthier "self," adapting rigid and structured eating habits, coupled with exercise and newly founded knowledge of the meaning of good nutrition.
I share all your frustrations at the moment about deviating from the diet I am presently supposed to be on. So, I am FORCING myself to drink tha**** least four big glasses (16 oz.) a day. I have to admit it has been years since I have drank so much water, and I have to do it quickly without gagging
but if it is going to do the trick...I will endure it, somehow. I'm going to go out and buy some 1 litre bottles of water, chill them down and keep one with me throughout the day to make sure I get what it takes to flush the system prior to the surgery date. I'm hoping that helps.
At work, maybe you can take some sneakers along and find a place to walk on your lunch hour, huh? If your knees are good and can hold up..take advantage! My knees went out on me years ago, but walking was my favorite exercise before then.
I think when we read about all the problems people are having post op that you mention in your post, it is only quite normal and human of us to panic and get a little paranoid, because we all hope to go through the same procedure. I can only say to follow your doctor's orders as others have said here, and keep VISUALIZING yourself as you want to be one day, in your mind's eye.
Most of all, please know that you are not alone. We are all here for each other, and I want you to feel free to email me any time ..and perhaps we can encourage each other.
God bless you and be with you!

I have Dr. Proctor too, and my surgery is Monday. I have met so many of his patients, and they are all doing wonderfully!! I met one at his office the other day, who had minor complications, but she told me that it was her fault...she got a hernia from picking up something too early.
I know someone who works at the hospital, and she has heard nothing but positive wonderful things about him and Dr. Richard. His staff at the office and the hospital are superb. You could not have made a better choice for a surgeon or hospital.
That said, I have heard of leaks, nicks, etc...but your surgeon is excellant. Follow all orders and you should be fine.
I too am terrified, but not of my career, which I love, but of leaving my children. But, I am praying every day, and my friends are praying for me. I MUST stand firm in my faith that God will take care of me!
As far as discipline...I started liquids today, of my own accord, and it is killing me. I keep thinking of food I want before the surgery..
But, I have to remember: liquids now is not the same as it will be then. My stomach will be much smaller...and I will not want all the same things. I have many friends who have gone through the surgery. One time of eating the wrong thing, or too much..and they say you will NEVER do it again knowingly! must do what you feel in your heart is the right thing. No one can tell you what to do. Personally, I feel God has led me here, and opened all doors for me. Now, if I could just get rid of the fear that the enemy is trying to place upon me..I would be great!
You will be in my prayers. When is your date? I will be glad to let you know about my surgery.
Maureen, I sat at my table and bawled the night before my surgery as I wrote out a "last will and testament". My poor husband I'm sure thought he was going to have to shoot me to get me out of my misery! ;) I was terrified of ending up in worse shape than I was then. But then, I'd think..."Gawd, Joyce, you can't get much worse! Your back, your knees, your incontinence!" Shall I go on?? I went through a bit of a slump emotionally about 2nd month. It was like it just sorta hit me what I was in for....and just passed, as I became more and more physically strong and as I healed more and more. I feel for ya, kiddo, but you're just gonna have to "walk by faith" for a bit longer and just KNOW you've made the right decision, based on your research and your heart. Take care and keep us posted.
I absolutely had the same fears. I lost weight and gained it back over and over. I could be disciplined for a while, but when stress happened, as it always does, I would compensate with food. Food was a GREAT comfort for me. How would I live without it?
My medical issues were similar to yours, but I was worried about my future health problems. I also was very afraid of dying, but, the point of the surgery for me was to live...well! Though I was blessed abundantly presurgery, my weight had become the focus of my life!
Well, five months out, I still enjoy food, but eat MUCH, MUCH less. I don't know through all of my dieting if I had ever really felt satisfied. I do now! That means so much to me.
Fear of leaks, blockage, etc.? Well, I tend to be a hypochondriac. Ask my hubby! As my body went through the regular aches and pains, I came to realize that this is part of normal healing! I have to remind myself to take it easy sometimes, because I feel great.
Whatever you decide, we will be here for you!
Becky - sorry this is soooo long!
This is VERY normal. Other than my asthma, I had only sleep apnea. If you are very cautious and do JUST as Dr. Proctor/Richard tells you, you should be fine. Dr. Richard did my surgery in July and I am doing soooooo much better. You willfeel BETTER at work, and you should be able to continue your career advancement, only without the predjudice that being overweight brings along. I work in a professional environment, and I have experienced many positives since surgery.
I was sure I would never be able to stick to the food plan, as I am one carb lovin picky eater. NOT ANYMORE!! I haven't tried to tempt fate and have stuck to the eating rules the dr. gave me. I no longer crave foods. Now, I won't lie, there are times I WISH I could join in with a burger or something, but it passes quickly.
I"m down 90 lbs since July and I JOINED A GYM for the first time in my LIFE!!
Maureen, this is obviously a very personal decision, and I'm not trying to talk you into anything. I just wanted you to know that I shared your concerns, and I am doing great.
Let me know if you need to talk..