In a funk :(
I know I've been MIA, sorry. Havent much felt like posting.
After the fish tank busted on me and I was left with 150 gallons to clean up out of my floor the day before my vacation, we go on vacation and find out that our reservations were screwed up. We deicded F-it and went to Gatlinburg and stayed in our usual hotel, had more fun that way anyway.
I go back to work Monday and 5 minutes after I get there, I find out that my great grandmother passed away. It was truely unexpectyed as she was in such good health, lived alone, drove, etc. I was a little upset and I went into an office to make a phone call, and my boss KNEW my Gr grandmother had died, (He was STANDING THERE WHEN i GOT THE CALL) and while I'm standing there crying, he proceeds to tell me that my work area needs to be caught up.. 5 MINUTES AFTER i COME BACK FROM A VACATION (Of course it's behind.. I've been GONE!!!) and in the midst of me crying because my meemaw died 20 minutes before. How much more of a freaking ass can you be? I hate him. I hate working for him. he promised me HE WOULD HAVE 4 TEMPS FOR ME IN oCTOBER TO HELP ME GET CAUGHT UP.. NOW HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW if HE WILL GET THEM!!
I am so over skilled for that job. I wish I could just find an admin assistant job SOMEWHERE. I would even be a receptionist, I love being with customers. I am so pissed off at my job. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH. Jason wants me to quit but I refuse to put that kind of financial strain on him. I just dont know what to do. I cry all day at my job. That's not normal. I havent been to the gym in a month. I was sick for 2 weeks, then vacation, then monday my Ggma died, and IU doubt I'll be going this week. Sorry.. I just needed to get that out.
((((((((((((((((((((((Kay))))))))))))))))))))) I wish I knew someone hiring. If I hear of anything you'll be the FIRST one that will get the information. If there is anything else I can do for you PLEASE let me know!
We still love matter what. I'm sorry you're having a rough time...keep your head least try ok?
(((((((((((((((Much )))))))))))))))))
Hey Kay, I am so sorry for all the things that have been going wrong for you. Check out and see what is there that you might be able to do. I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. I know how hard that is on you. If you need anything at all just call and I will do what I can to help . My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Debra =^..^=
I am soooo sorry.
On the bright side, my office is always hiring administrative assistants. I work for a law firm in Buckhead. If interested e-mail me and I will give your resume to HR. It would entail working for attorneys if you can stomach that!!!! (just kidding--they are all pretty cool here)!
Let me know.
((((((((((((((((((Big Hugs)))))))))))))))))) So sorry about your Grandma!!! Your boss seems to need a major "laying on of hands." After reading your post, I wanted to do it personally. I have a feeling your boss REALLY missed you during your absence. You know you're good!!! Maybe, his conscious will get the best of him.
We HAVE been missing you!