Live changes !!!!
My sister has always called me Scrouge , because I didn't want to decorate for Christmas or anything else !! I was too fat to enjoy anything !! She has always been little. Anyway Sat. I went to town and I bought pansies to sit out and I have the house decorated for fall and I'm already planning on what I'm going to do for Christmas. Jean said "What has happened to you ? " I said I got young and all of y'all have gotten OLD. Life is a new adventure for me . Ain't God good !!!! Y'all have a good day, cause I'm am !!! Judy
I know exactly what you are talking about. Today I took down all of my Halloween stuff and put out all of my Fall-Thanksgiving stuff. This has now become my absolute most favorite time of year. It makes me feel good to decorate my house, and since losing the weight I have also become a meticulous housecleaner. My husband thinks I'm a little obsessed with the cleaning, but I know that he is proud of the way I keep the house. Before losing the weight I just didn't care about many things, much less have the energy to clean and decorate. I am so glad that you are having a good day, me too!!!
Take Care,
Cathy Martin