My 2 week checkup!
Well gang I went back to Peachtree Bariatrics on Wednesday. I got a good report! I have lost 17 pounds since surgery and 14 prior to surgery so that's a total of 31 pound!
I was very happy about that. I asked the PA what the typical weight loss for someone my size was at 2 weeks and she said from 12 to about 20 pounds so I was right in the middle.
They told me to begin trying new foods. This has not gone so well. I have had 1 true case of dumping and 1 case of "Ewww...that doesn't make me feel so good" so I'm going back to my cottage cheese and baby food for a while.
The other thing was that even though I've lost all this weight, my percent of fat increased by 1 persent.
Obviously I am burning up muscle rather than fat so I'm working on a exercise routine too.
Overall it was a good day and I am very happy with my weight loss.
Thanks for all the well wishes and love sent my way.

Congratulations on the weight loss!!!!
The first few months will be hard as you are trying out foods to see what you can and can't tolerate. Everyone is different, and just because you can't tolerate something now, dosen't mean a year from now that will be the same story. I am happy to report that at 2 years post op there is actually very little that I can't eat, and the things that I couldn't tolerate the first year, are fine now. My sister came to town a few weeks ago and we went out to dinner. Now when my family and I go out to dinner, the best thing for me to do is to order a small dinner salad, then with what my husband and kids order, I usually will have a few bites of their meat, chicken, ect..for the protein. Anyway, she looked at me and asked me if I feel deprived since my meal seems so boring..I looked at her and told her that I felt completeley satisfied, (which I did) and that if she thinks that I am depriving myself, she should have been with me the day before when I was at the GAP, buying a pair of jeans in a size 6!!!You see she used to be the skinny one in our family, and now I weigh less than she does!!!!
Well, that was totally off topic, SORRY....I am so excited for you because you are going to go through so many changes over the next months. They won't all be great, dumping just plain sucks, but the good FAR outweigh the bad.
Take Care,
Cathy Martin
Great JOB!!!! WOO HOOO!!!! Glad you are doing good. Just yesteday I said to my self.... self.... you have not heard from Robin lately! Hope she is well... Keep up the good work and keep us posted... I have learned that Mexican food (which I love!!!) does not love me and I am going to give it a break for a while. But Italian is great! Take care and hopefully I will see you in Nov... I have lots o clothes for you!!!