Need Extreme Help
Hi all, I have a huge favor to ask all of the members of this Georgia Messageboard. Some of the older members will probably remember about Jessica in MN who had so many problems and was flown down here by Crece Hare for the help she needed. The problem is that she use to post on the main board but got so much hate mail and stuff to that effect that she stopped posting at all. She needs all the support she can get. She is back home but is still having a lot of trouble with the open woud and everything she is having to do to take care of herself. She would love to have somewhere to post but is so afraid that the problems she has had will scare everyone who is wanting the surgery from having it done. I told her I would ask the group and get their opinions for her. Hers is a very unique case and doesn't happen but maybe 1 in 5000 surgeries. Her main problem was the bad doctor she had who neglected her.
Can she post and belong to this great group without being sent bad emails and without fear of scaring others off from the surgery. You can email me at [email protected] and I can call her and tell her. Let's all help this lady feel wanted and needed and that she really counts to us. She needs positive feedback and not the negative. She is so down. She loves Georgia and wants to move here so bad. Please let me know what to tell her.
Hugs and Love to this whole group,
Debra =^..^=

Hey Dondi, Thank you for your comments. I don't judge people. None of us do all the things we are suppose to. You can email me any time and give me your email and I will email you back. I am here for you anytime. Just let me know. As the saying goes, Jesus love you and so do I. If he doesn't hold a grudge against someone, who would I be to do what he would not? Let me know if you need anything.
Debra =^..^=
I vote yes to her posting on the GA Board. We all have issues and we all help each other through positive feedback to resolve those issues. I think we need to show her the same true southern hospatility that we show each other. I would hate to think anyone in Georgia would be unkind to a fellow human being.
By all means tell her she can post here! She shouldn't let a few weakminded individuals stop her from posting anywhere on this site for that matter. She cannot help the things that happened to her. Tell her if she wants another friend to talk to that she can email me at ****[email protected] I would be more than happy to be there for her. There is no understanding people sometimes, so she should try and shrug that off. Although, I know saying and doing that is totally different.
Tonya W
p.s. i also joined up with free cycle and it is really neat