I found some pictures I could not believe
We were doing a little spring cleaning and moving my office from one place to another in our house....along the way, I came across some pictures of myself that I just could not ~BELIEVE~
I had been a chunky kid, put on my first diet at 14 by a Dr & Dietician and so it's gone all my life....However, there was a very small window of time when I was in my late teens that I was actually thin ~~ a size 5 ~~ to be exact....
I could not believe it when I looked at those pictures, I had forgotten that I had EVER been thin!! And, I did not get thin from dieting, I have no idea why, execept that I think it may have been because I was in a very tumultuous relationship with my boyfriend - it even turned abusive...after we broke up I gained ALL my weight back and more.
It's very cruel fate to have tasted being thin and be tempted by it - and then to spend the rest of your life chasing after it...like the wind.
Has anyone else experienced a brief moment of bliss??

Besides being extraordinarily thin as a kid (I blew up as a teenager),
I lost down 2x and had gotten to the "Hey! I can tuck my shirt in" stage.
Once was while married, and my ex was getting VERY jealous that I was losing and looking and feeling better. So..one night he chose to surprise me with no "protection" and got me pregnant on the first try. So much for THAT weight loss.
The 2nd time was about 10 years ago, and I went on a total fat free diet and lost 65 pounds. I was walking 5 miles 3x a week, and was feeling great. Then, lots of stress from a new job, new house and the breakup of a relationship that I mistook for true love, and before you know it I was on Paxil and gained 20 pounds in ONE month!! Next thing I know, I'm blimped up again....
The 2nd time was the hardest, cuz I had worked harder at that than ANYTHING I had EVER done before...and to gain it all back was ULTRA frustrating, and I was REALLY MAD at myself for blowing all that hard work. Once it was out of control again, I just couldn't bring myself to work that hard again.
I am currently 10 pounds less than the point that I started that diet 10 yrs ago... So I am really looking forward to getting back to where I got from my diet and BEYOND!!
In my mid 20's I lost down to about 15 pounds above my idea weight. I worked sooooo hard for that. I was single then and truly enjoyed myself during those years (about 2-3). Then I met my husband, got married and had a baby and now I am the largest I have ever been in my life. I too have chased that feeling all these years.
We will get there again!!

I did.... I was in my early 20's. I went to the gym everyday and worked out for 3 hours. No kidding. My boyfriend at the time was into body building so I did what he told me to do. We ate only 5 grams of fat a day! I looked hot! however that life style always paying attention to your looks and not what is inside didn't last for me. Imagine that!!!! So after stopping the working out that much and eating the weight came back on and quickly.
I have one favorite picture of me in a size 7 mini skirt and top (think 80's) with ked tennis shoes at my parents house. Boy how naive I was however I was thin!!!!
Now after kids and 11 year marriage, I just want to have energy and be health. Wouldnt mind being a size 9 with my boobs looking like they did before kids and every once in a while have a man look me over instead of ignoring me!!!!
lynn - 53 lbs - 30 inches gone forever
67 more pounds to go.
I knwo what you mean. I loved being smaller. Right after my son was born in 1988 I went on the OptiFast siet. (Oprah joined after I did) I lost 150 pounds in 5 months and felt great. I was the spokesman for the company getting people to join. See, the program was protein shakes only. No food whatsoever. But after 1 1/2 years I started gaining the weight started gaining back. Then I feel off my dump truck in 1990 and messed up my neck and back and was immobile for 6 months and still can't move right so it all came back plus more. Any way, I still have a picture of that time and am determined to get back to that size again.
Debra =^..^=