See you on the other side.
Hello All,
Just figured I would check in this am because I will be quite busy tonight with the bowel prep thing. I can honestly say my nerves are kicking in now. I haven't been able to sleep for the last two nights. I can't really say that I am going to get some quality sleep tonight, but I may. I am not sure what time surgery is tomorrow, but I know Catherine from the DR's office will call sometime today and let me know. I do hope that it is the first, but I won't be complaining if it isn't. In the interim, I just wanted to let you know that I will see y'all on the other side soon! My husband will be at the hospital with me during the day while I am there, so feel free to talk to him. You should be able to reach me in my room, if not I will have someone update the board.
See you on the other side.

You are the picture of determination here. You ran into some obstacles but you didn't let them stop you from getting this surgery. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!
I will be praying for you to have some peaceful rest, for your surgeon's hands to be guided during the procedure, and a speedy and painless recovery.
I'm only 2 weeks ahead of you in this journey, girl. I know how you are feeling. If you need to talk, you know I'm here. Please don't hesitate to call me!