Exercise Poll
My doctor basically has said that I have OCD and since I don't obsess about food anymore - I turned my obsession to exercising. I'm at the gym 3 - 5 nights a week and when I'm not there I coach little league cheerleading. (I don't just coach - I do the cheers with them.) I've recently incresed my daily workout from one class 3 times a week to classes plus the tread mill/elliptical or stationary bike along with the circuit machines 3 - 5 additional nights.
I'm 5 months post op today and have lost 115 lbs! I can see the muscle definition beginning and THAT'S exciting to me. I will have to have some skin removed - if I can get the insurance to pay for it!
I love to exercise now....I never thought in my life I'd ever get to that point!
Dee Dee
Hi Sherry
My surgeon said the same thing & after talking to random people who have had the surgery (not here) I think they may be right.
It was tough for me to exercise @ first because I just couldn't handle it, but I started out slow & have worked my way up. I love the indoor walking tapes by Leslie Sansone. I started off doing the 1 mile (barely) & now I can do the 4 mile with ease. I like it because I can't afford the gym right now & there isn't always a "good" place to walk outside. Also, the nice thing about her tapes is the fact that they cross train your muscles. She changes up the movements so that you don't get conditioned to just one repetitive motion. I do this tape 3 - 4 times a week. I do the Body Flex tape every AM (it is only about 20 minutes long) & is is a combo of isotonic & isometric exercises combined with "aerobic" breathing. I have a crossbow machine (basically a watered down cheaper version of the Bowflex) & I use that 2 - 3 times a week along with some free weights. I sometimes find it hard to believe that I can & do so much exercise now, because I was completely the opposite pre-op. My surgeon has you sign a binding post op obesity contract
which I think is really cool. I made a vow when I signed it that this was my last time on that side of the scale.
Best wishes to you & God Bless
139 since surgery / 189 total (since preparing for surgery)

I did swim some after surgery - I even have a pool in my back yard. However, there is now something wrong with the pump and we haven't gotten it fixed yet. I suppose I could go to one of the county pools, but just haven't worked up the energy to figure out when they are open. I'm trying really hard to get back to work (I lost my job Feb of 03!!), so I'm concentrating on that now. It's a little discouraging. I even applied at WalMart, Target & Kohls last week as a cashier/sales person. Sheesh - I've been in computers for over 24 years!! Sigh.
Ann in Duluth
Hi Sherry:
I joined Curves and I had every intention of working out 3 times a week, however somtimes I only make it twice a week, but every little bit helps and it is certainly more than I did before surgery. I really like the fact that it only takes approximately 30 minutes for what is equal to 1 1/2 hour work-out. I like their hydraulic machines and I like working out with just women so you don't feel self conscious. It is also very reasonable, 29.00 per month.
I lost 50 lbs before surgery in 3 months through:
1st 20 lbs - following diet recommendations alone
next 30 lbs - diet plus resistance exercises, later added 4 lbs handweights
next 50 lbs - diet plus walking, moved to 5 miles/day 6 days week just before reached this goal
next 50 lbs - diet plus walking, two months later got a bone spur and arthritis - restricted to 2 miles - lost almost nothing for a while, have returned to 4 miles/day 6 days/week and reached my 150 lb loss goal.
also swim and do weight exercises when I have access
40 lbs (per Dr. Proctor) to go - wish me luck!